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A/N:  Buckle up friends......

They sat in a booth at Livie's favorite bar. Thankfully the owner's daughter Ella wasn't there that night. Livie felt comfort being in a familiar location as she stared at Chris sitting across from her.

"I don't know where to start." Chris cleared his throat.

"I don't think we need to talk about it." Livie said tightly.

Chris searched her eyes, her face looking for any signs of forgiveness but there weren't any.

"I don't want this to end us." He admitted with a shaky voice.

"You kissed another girl because you were in a fight with me. Hours after accusing me of doing the same to you. I've never done a thing with Chace since we began dating."

"I know. I know." He couldn't stop apologizing. "It happened so fast; Liv believe me. If it had meant something I wouldn't even tell you. Why would I put myself through this?"

Livie didn't say anything. She was grateful when the waiter came to take their drink order.

"I don't know what you expect me to do Chris." She said once the waiter was gone. "This is why I don't date."

"Livie if you just give me a chance. You know me." He looked at her helplessly.

"I thought I did. You know maybe getting food was a bad idea." She moved to grab her bag and slip out of the booth.

"Livie no, please. Just give me an hour."

Against her better judgement Livie agreed.

At the end of the hour she didn't feel any better, if anything she felt worse.

She wasn't sure what to do. She was torn because she did love Chris, and she did believe him that he didn't feel anything for the girl. But he had still kissed her. And this was the one thing she was afraid of. What if this is how it had started with her dad cheating on her mom? A mistake. And her mother tolerated it. Livie didn't see how she could tolerate it.

"I think I need some time." She finally said as they arrived back at her doorstep later that night.

"Take all the time you need." Chris swallowed, "Just promise me you won't give up on me yet."

"I can't promise that Chris." She said truthfully.

He looked down sadly.

"Have a safe trip back to Boston." She said softly.

Chris nodded before retreating down the hall towards the elevator.

"Liv." He called out to her.

"Yes?" She hesitated at her door.

"I love you. I do. A lot."

"I believe you." She gave him a sad smile.

Livie immersed herself in work the next week. She didn't talk to Chris. She was fully committed to taking time away to figure it out.

Meanwhile in Boston Chris was doing his best to get through each day. He knew he had screwed up. Trying to give Livie her space was killing him. Mandy's father had died on Sunday and Chris and his entire family went to the funeral. Chris didn't bother telling Livie that he was going to the funeral. She wanted her space and he had hoped she would understand that he couldn't not go to the funeral. Plus his entire family was there. He barely said 2 words to Mandy. Somehow pictures popped up online of Chris hugging Mandy as they were leaving her family home after the reception that had followed the funeral.

Livie stared at the photo's of Chris hugging Mandy on her phone until they became blurry and her eyes began to sting. Swiping angrily at her phone she dismissed the photos and pulled JJ's name up in her contacts.

"You want to go out tonight?" She asked when JJ answered.

Friday night was spent bar hopping for Livie and JJ. Livie was pretty trashed when Sebastian, Chace and Dex finally met up with them.

"CHACE!" Livie squealed happily. The alcohol had made her temporarily numb to all that was going on with Chris.

"Livie." He grinned taking her in his arms trying to help her stay steady, "How much have you had to drink?"

"Not enough." She declared. "Let's do some shots. Please." She stuck out her lower lip giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"I think maybe you've had enough." He steered her away from the bar.

"Fine." She huffed, "Come dance with me then." She wouldn't take No for an answer on that and grabbed his hand dragging him behind her to the sticky crowded dance floor.

Before too long Chace was drunk too and so when Livie whispered in his ear to take her home he happily obliged.

The ride to Livie's in the uber was quiet and Chace watched Livie stare at the window through the shadows. When they arrived on her doorstep she stopped turning to him.

"Will you stay?" She asked. She was starting to sober up some and the pain from Chris and Mandy was resurfacing.

"Of course." He agreed, "But I don't want you to do something just because you're hurting." He swallowed. Livie stepped towards him closing her eyes briefly.

"You are the only man who has never hurt me, do you know that?" She said softly.


"Stay the night with me." She begged.

"You're hurting." Chace repeated.

"So make it stop hurting." She took his hand in hers and pulled him towards her bedroom.

The next morning Livie looked over at Chace sleeping soundly in her bed next to her. She was sober enough last night when they had slept together. And so was he. This was a conscious decision. Chris was off with Mandy, definitely not feeling any kind of remorse over what he had put her through. Still she knew she needed to tell Chris about sleeping with Chace.

"Hey." Chace's eyes opened and he gave her a sleepy grin.

"Hey." She echoed back as she snuggled up next to his chest.

"You ok?" He wanted to know planting a kiss on the top of her head as he brushed the hair back from her face.

"I'm perfect. Are you ok?"

"I am." He kissed her again. "But I've got to pee."

Livie giggled as he slipped out of the bed. A knocking on her apartment door made her frown. Who in the world would be at her door right now? She glanced at her phone 9 am on a Saturday. Pushing the blankets from her bed she grabbed her robe and walked to the front door. Pulling it open she all but gasped in confusion.


Dangerously ~Chris Evans~✅Where stories live. Discover now