Twenty Eight

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Livie, feeling as though she were living in a different world, moved through the motions of checking in for her flight to London. After Chris had told her to leave she had drove back to New York where once home she basically shut down. Her heart was broken and she was mad at herself for allowing this to happen. She should have stayed away from Chris. She tried to convince Dex that he needed to see their mother. But he wouldn't budge. She tried to convince him to go to London but he refused that too. So instead of Dex going home with Livie JJ insisted she come.

"Do you think we'll see Tom Holland?" JJ's voice broke Livie out of her daze.

"Huh?" Livie turned her head to look at JJ in the airplane seat next to her.

"Tom Holland, you know Spider-Man?"

"Why would we see Tom Holland?" Livie asked confused.

"He lives in London, you're from London." JJ shrugged.

"Lots of people live in London. I doubt we'll see Tom Holland."

JJ wrinkled her nose with a pout.

"I'm going to try to sleep." Livie pulled an eye mask from her bag.

"Ok." JJ gave her a smile.

Livie hadn't been home in so long yet it almost felt like she had never left. Her mother had a driver pick her and JJ up at the airport and in no time they arrived at Livie's childhood home.

"This is where you grew up?" JJ whispered in awe gaping at the huge brick mansion the car stopped in front of.

Livie shrugged and pushed the car door open.

Diane met them at the door and told them to freshen up for dinner. Livie felt out of place in her old room.

"Knock, knock." JJ stood outside of Livie's room. "You ok?" She asked.

Livie nodded, "Weird being here."

"I can imagine." JJ crossed the room and sat down on the bed. "Your mom seems nice."

Livie laughed, "She's tolerable I suppose."

JJ smiled, "It's all going to be ok Liv. All of it."

Livie's smile fell, "I know you're trying to make me feel better and I love you for it."

But the truth was nothing was going to be ok. Or well at least nothing would ever be how it was before. JJ had ended things with Sebastian. Whatever "things" were between them. JJ wouldn't even hang out with the group anymore. Things were stressed between Dex and Livie. He had been upset when she told him she was flying home. Chris hadn't spoken to Sebastian since he and Livie had broken up which Sebastian blame Livie for. So Seb wasn't talking to her either. And Chace was trying to be there for Livie and she just pushed him away. The group had fallen apart, Livie had lost Chris and her father was dying. She desperately wanted to go back to the beginning of the year. Before her birthday and when things started with Chace. Back to when things were just simple. But she didn't see how they'd ever get back there.

After a stuffy dinner Livie returned to her room where she laid in bed staring at the ceiling. JJ who hadn't slept on the plane and was jetlagged had fallen asleep instantly. Livie couldn't shut her brain off and when it was time to get up the next morning to go to her fathers she had had 2 hours of sleep. Maybe.

3 hours after waking up Diane's driver was pulling up at a sprawling countryside home. The home that belonged to her father, his new wife and Livie's sister. Swallowing nervously Livie climbed out of the car. JJ slipped out behind her looping her arm through hers.

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