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"It's to hot out here to do anything." Seb pushed the door to the café they had grabbed dinner in and led the way out on to the humid, sticky streets of the city.

Livie nodded in agreement. Her sundress was sticking to her thighs and her makeup was melting from her face.

"Call your friend, the one who had a pool party for Labor Day. Maybe we can go swimming?" Livie suggested.

"It was a hotel, he rented it out." Seb pointed out.

"Ok well maybe we can still go."

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." Seb grabbed his phone from his shorts pocket, "He got a great deal because his uncle is a big CEO for the hotel or something."

Livie grabbed Chris's hand as they trailed behind Seb waiting to see if they would be able to swim or not.

"It's a go!" Seb spun around with a grin.

"Yay!" Livie clapped her hands together. "I have to go home to get my bathing suit. Why don't we meet there?"

"Seb you got something I can borrow?" Chris asked.

"Me too?" Scott chimed in.

"Yeah. OK we'll see you guys there."

Livie and JJ turned to go to Livie's apartment while the boys went the opposite direction to Sebastian's.

An hour later Livie and JJ were riding the elevator up to the rooftop pool. The boys were already there and Livie's eyes scanned the pool for Chris as she and JJ stripped down to their bathing suits and laid their towels out on empty chaises.

She grinned widely as she saw Chris dive into the deep end. Her eyes followed him as he came back up the surface. Her stomach dropped when she saw who else was in the pool. Chase.

She swallowed nervously before noticing that Dex was there too.

JJ grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the guys.

Livie waved her eyes darting between Chase and Chris.

"Hey." Chris swam over to the edge where Livie was standing.

"Hey." She opened her mouth to say something else but stopped when a blonde-haired girl swam up to Chase and wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck before giving him a wet kiss. He laughed and squeezed her before playfully tossing her gently in the air.

"Just jump in!" Dex called from across the pool.

Livie forced a smile at her brother as she tore her eyes from Chase and his "friend". She walked over to the diving board and gracefully dived into the crisp cool water. It felt overly refreshing and she swam over to Chris once she hit the surface.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled lazily at her.

"Hey handsome." She winked causing him to chuckle. "I'm guessing you met my brother."

"I did. He called while we were at Seb's and Seb invited him to come too."

"And Chase." Livie said carefully.

"And Chase." Chris confirmed. "Are you ok with that?"

"Are you?" Livie treaded water around Chris.

"I'm ok with it because you are here with me." Chris reached out and pulled her against his body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and wrinkled her nose.

"What's wrong?" Chris frowned.

"My makeup is probably streaming down my face."

Chris tilted his head back and laughed, "It's not. You look stunning. Have I mentioned how much I like your bathing suit?"

Livie shook her head no.

"Well I do. Very, very much." His hands ran across her bare thighs under the water causing Livie to shiver.

"CANNON BALL!" Seb yelled loudly as he ran and jumped off the diving board cannon balling into the pool causing waves to rock throughout the entire length of it.

Livie laughed with a roll of her eyes. "That was weak." She called.

"You can do better?" Seb asked.

"You know I can." Livie swam over to the ladder and climbed out. She walked over to the diving board before taking a running start and doing her own cannon ball into the pool.

"Dang for being as little and petite as you are you can sure make some waves." Seb laughed.

Livie grinned widely as she dove under the water swimming towards the shallow end. She came up and was right next to Chase and his friend.

"Hi." Livie blurted out.

"Hey Liv." Chase avoided eye contact with her.

"Hi I'm Tessa." The blonde chirped with a toothy smile.

"Livie." Livie smiled back uncomfortably.

They swam for over an hour before the skies started to turn dark and storm clouds started to roll in. Deciding to go back to Sebastian's and watch a movie the group tried to beat the storm.

Chase and Tessa both came back to Seb's and Livie did her best to ignore them. She didn't want to be with Chase she was happy with Chris but that didn't mean she didn't have feelings of some sort for Chase. It was weird to see him with someone else.

"You ok?" Chris asked in Livie's ear, his arms snaking around her waist pulling her back against his chest.

"Yeah." Livie smiled looking back at him. "I'm just tired."

"Do you want to go back to your place?" He asked sincerely.

"No, I don't want to ditch Scott again." She smiled.

Chris nodded, "Ok." His arms dropped from around her waist and grabbed her hand pulling her into Seb's living room. They found a seat on the end of the couch coincidentally Chase and Tessa were at the other end. Livie snuggled up to Chris and concentrated on the movie.

Chris and Scott had to head back to Boston the next day. Scott was about to go back to Los Angeles and Chris was preparing to start filming in Boston. Plus he hadn't brought Dodger with him and he felt bad having his sister dog sit again.

"You can come to Boston in a couple weeks." Chris suggested as they were saying their goodbyes out front of Livie's apartment. Scott was throwing their suitcases into the Uber.

"I'll think about it." Livie gave him a small smile. And she really meant that. She would love to go to Boston and see his life there but it still kind of freaked her out. She was trying to figure out she was going to handle being in a long distance relationship to begin with.

"Ok." Chris seemed content with that answer. "It's just going to be harder for me to get here once I start filming."

Livie nodded even though she had no clue what was in store for them.

"You're going to be ok?" He asked hesitantly.

"Of course." She wasn't sure who she was trying to convince him or herself.

She kissed him one more time before he climbed into the Uber and disappeared down the street.

Dangerously ~Chris Evans~✅Where stories live. Discover now