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Chris checked his watch for probably the 10th time that evening. It was 7:20. He was starting to think Livie had stood him up. He had thought maybe he had the wrong address but no he was exactly where she had said to meet him. Just as Chris was about to give up and leave, a town car came flying up 42nd street and came to an abrupt stop.

"I'm here! I'm here!" The door flew open and Livie stepped out hobbling as she slipped a high heel onto one foot than the other.

Chris walked over towards the town car. Pictures did this girl no justice. In a bright red pencil skirt and a brown and red sleeveless blouse she looked like she just walked out a magazine.

"I'm sorry!" She apologized. "I got stuck at work late and then traffic from the bridge." She waved it off. "Sorry. Hi." She grinned.

"Hi." He echoed. "You look stunning."

"Thank you." She reached up and pulled the pin from her hair letting it fall into soft waves hitting her shoulders. "You look pretty delicious yourself."

"Thanks." He chuckled.

"Shall we?" She linked her arm through his and they made the short walk over to Bryant Park Grill.

"Hi reservation for Hart." Livie smiled at the hostess.

"Oh I'm sorry Ms. Hart. You've missed your reservation unfortunately. We are so busy this evening we had to give your spot to someone else."

"No way." Livie frowned. "You've got to be kidding me. We're only." She pulled her phone out and looked at it, "25 minutes late." Her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Again, I do apologize Ms. Hart. If you care to wait, I can put you on the list."

Livie looked at Chris who just shrugged.

"No that's ok. Thank you though."

"Ok so now what?" Chris wondered out loud.

"You ever just walk around Bryant Park?" Livie asked.

"No actually I don't think I have."

Livie smiled and led the way.

They walked through Bryant Park stopping at a food vendor for hotdogs and drinks.

"So tell me, what was with all the mystery on Saturday at Seb's party?" Chris asked as they walked along.

"Ummm.....I was trying to avoid this." She admitted with a duck of her head.

"Avoid a date with me?" Chris raised an eyebrow. "Am I that bad?"

"No." Livie shook her head, "I'm just not in a place right now to date."

"But you're here."

Livie nodded. "I'm here."


"I don't're intriguing." She grinned.

"Ok, ok." Chris laughed, "You need to come up with your own lines."

"Why, when yours are so good." She giggled.

"How long have you lived in the states?" Chris changed the subject.

"About 10 years."

"Wow, do you go back home to visit often?"

"No." Livie replied.

"Do your parents still live there?" Chris asked.

"They do. I don't speak to them often."

"Oh." Chris fell silent. "I'm sorry to pry."

Dangerously ~Chris Evans~✅Where stories live. Discover now