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"Livie?" A deep voice called to her.

Livie spun around, her heart beating out of her chest, "Chris?"

"Hey." He gave her a warm smile. He slowly crossed the balcony towards her.

"Hi." Livie swallowed her heart pounding against her chest.

"You look....." His eyes ran from her head to her toes, "Beautiful."

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself."

Chris shrugged with his signature smirk on his lips, "Thanks."

"What are you doing here? I thought you and Seb weren't on speaking terms. Well, not that I was really on speaking terms with him but-"

"We talked." Chris cut her off with an amused smile. He was now standing right in front of her and she just wanted to close her eyes and inhale his familiar, comforting scent.

"Good, I feel awful for causing problems between you two."

"Nah, I should apologize. I shouldn't have taken it out on Seb."

"True." Livie agreed with a grin, "But it was my fault everything fell apart. Everything." She looked up into Chris's dark eyes.

"It wasn't just your fault." Chris shook his head, "I should have been upfront and honest with you. I should have chased after you. I should have let you know there was nothing in the world more important then you."

"I should have known all of that." Livie replied softly.

"It's my job to make sure you know, and never doubt it, not for one day. I failed you on that."

"Are you honestly saying that you failed me?" Livie tilted her head in amazement, "You were the best boyfriend I could have ever dreamed off. There's not a day I don't regret what I did."

"I miss you Liv." Chris's voice caught in his throat. He took a step closer to her. If he could just reach out and touch her, feel her velvety soft skin under his fingertips, run his hands through her dark tresses.

"Liv!!!" JJ burst out onto the balcony, "Chris!" She stopped short her eyes wide.

"Hey JJ." Chris turned from Livie, "I should get back inside. It was really good to see you Livie."

"What was that about?" JJ asked once Chris was gone.

Livie shrugged, "Guess he forgave me."

JJ looked at her friend, "I feel like I was interrupting something."

Livie dismissed the idea, "No, he was just saying goodbye to me." She turned looking out in the skyline hugging herself. It was as if the band aid had been ripped off and the heartbreak began all over again.

4 Months Later

"I love Christmas in New York!" Livie sang happily as she and JJ pushed their way through the busy streets of Manhattan. It was the best time of year in New York in Livie's opinion. The streets were bustling with shoppers, the decorations covered every corner lighting up every avenue and street. Tonight it was cold enough to snow and Livie looked up into the sky with a delighted smile when she saw snowflakes begin to fall.

"You're like a kid." JJ laughed.

"It's magical!" Livie sighed as she looped her arm through JJ's and they continued to walk. They stopped to get a coffee from a street vendor as opposed to fighting the crowds in Starbucks.

"Livie?" Someone called her name, "Yeah that is you."

"Scott!" It was Chris's brother in line behind them waiting for coffee. "How are you?" Livie stepped back and gave him a hug. Her eyes doing a quick search to see if Chris was with him.

"I'm doing well! Just enjoying the city for Christmas. How are you?"

"I'm ok. Are you here alone?" She couldn't hide the hopefulness in her voice that Chris might be there as well.

"No." He smiled, "Well I'm here alone. But Chris is in the city too."

"He is? That's good." Livie forced herself to smile. The city somehow felt more electric knowing Chris was there.

"What are you guys doing right now?" Scott wanted to know.

"Nothing." Livie shrugged.

"Ok, you're coming with me."

After they all got their coffee's they followed Scott the short distance to Bryant Park. Livie nervously clutched JJ's arm as the neared a group of people standing by the ice skating rink.

"Look who I found!" Scott called.

Livie knew it was him before he even turned around. Chris's face lit up when he saw Livie and she couldn't help but gasp at the sight of him.

"No way!" Chris's smile was from ear to ear as he walked over to them. "How in the hell did you find these two?"

"Coffee." Livie held her cup up. Tears were brimming her eyes and she couldn't figure it out. Chris pulled her into a hug, squeezing her tightly. With Chris was the rest of his family including his niece and nephews. They were all just as excited to see Livie and took turns grabbing her for a hug.

"We're going ice skating!" Stella told Livie excitedly.

"You are? Have you ever been before?" Livie knelt so she was face to face with Stella.

"Yes! I love it! I love New York so much! I want to live here when I grow up, just like you!" Stella exclaimed.

Livie exchanged a look with Chris as her heart melted over the little girl.

"Livie will you skate with us? Please. Uncle Chris said you are the best thing about New York. Please stay with us." Stella stuck her lower lip out.

Livie looked back up at Chris who just shrugged with a guilty grin.

"Ok." Livie agreed, "I mean if it's ok. I don't want to intrude on your family time."

"You are not intruding." Lisa gently pulled Livie back up to a standing position and leaned in close to whisper in Livie's ear, "Matter of fact I insist you stay. Chris hasn't been the same without you."

Livie smiled at Lisa before turning to Chris silently asking him if it was ok if she stayed.

He nodded, "Come on! Let's go get skates!" He surprised Livie by grabbing her by the hand.

After an hour of ice skating Livie was cold and hungry but her heart felt so full.

"I think we need hot chocolate." Livie chattered to Stella.

"I agree. Uncle Chris." She whined, "Can we get hot chocolate?"

"Why are you asking me?" He laughed.

"Chris why don't you and Livie go get us all some hot chocolate?" Lisa raised an eyebrow.

"OK." Chris didn't hesitate smiling at Livie.

Livie finished taking her ice skates off and slipping her boots back on before joining Chris to walk over to the hot chocolate stand.

"I didn't mean to bombard your family evening." Livie apologized.

"Are you kidding? I'm so glad you're here." Chris glanced over at her.

"You are?" Livie rubbed her hands together trying to warm them up.

"Yeah. I am." Chris nodded. "Here." He took her hands engulfing them in his much larger ones and blew warm air onto them.

Livie shivered from his touch. His face was inches from hers and she looked up at him lost in his crystal blue eyes. Her heart jumping at the intimate gesture.

"Liv." Chris started with a swallow.


Very slowly as if he were testing the waters to make sure this was ok he lowered his mouth towards her.

Dangerously ~Chris Evans~✅Where stories live. Discover now