Act 1: Prologue

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Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc., even if I wished. J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson caught it all! ;)

Rated: T for violence and language

Cover Image: Andreevapolina

A few words about the Characters of the story

Legolas ~ Prince of the Woodland Realm ~ Son of Thranduil ~ Sindarin Elf

Awarthrie ~ Daughter of Tauriel and Kíli ~ House of Durin ~ Dwarf & Silvan-Elf

Gimli ~ Lord of the Glittering Caves ~ Son of Glóin ~ House of Durin ~ Dwarf

Glóin ~ Son of Gróin ~ House of Durin ~ Dwarf

Elrond ~ Lord of Rivendell ~ Son of Eärendil & Elwing ~ Spouse Celebrían ~ Half-elven

Elladan ~ Son of Elrond & Celebría ~ Half-elven

Elrohir ~ Son of Elrond & Celebría ~ Half-elven

Arwen ~ Lady of Rivendell ~ Daughter of Elrond & Celebría ~ Half-elven

Aragon ~ Chieftain of the Dúnedain ~ Son of Arathorn II and Gilraen ~Dúnedain of the North ~ Human

Thranduil ~ Elvenking of the Woodland Realm ~ Son of Oropher ~ Sindarin Elf

Gandalf ~ Istar (Wizard) ~ Ainur (Maiar)

Camaeneth ~ Maiden in the House of Elrond ~ Half-elven

Ríneth ~ Sister of Haldir (Rumil and Orophin) ~ Silvan Elf

Nastedir ~ Captain of Guard of the Woodland Realm ~ Son of Romru ~ Silvan Elf

Note: There will be more characters and not only the above as the story unfolds. I just added the most frequently shown in the story.

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Mirkwood - Elvenking's Halls, June 21, 3018 TA

Thranduil had summoned his only son to assign him with a mission. While Mirkwood was under attack, Gollum had escaped from the Elvenking's Halls. He had to inform Gandalf and Lord Elrond. Thranduil acknowledged that the darkness around Mirkwood was slowly rising. More spiders, orcs, and goblins placed attack after attack. And they were powered by something more substantial and mightier.

"Ada (Father), you needed me?" asked Legolas as he stepped into the throne chamber. He was wearing his green and brown Tunic and equal color pants underneath. His long double knives were resting against his back, and he bore a bow from Mirkwood. "The captain of the guard told me that Gollum escaped last night."

"That is exactly why I ordered we should not treat the creature with kindness. Yet, neither you nor the captain of the guard listened." Thranduil voiced strongly and cast a sharp gaze against his son. "I gave my words to Gandalf that we will keep the Creature under our watch. After Aragorn caught it..."

"Goheno nin! (Forgive me!) Gollum was through enough darkness, father. Keeping it us, our prisoner was wise. However, we could not mistreat him." Legolas responded, gazing at his father directly, "What would you want me to do!?"

"Ride out and reach Rivendell. Inform Lord Elrond and Gandalf. The best of our Guards will ride with you. Hear what they have to say and act upon." Thranduil ordered as he stood up from his throne and climbed down the stairs placing his hand against Legolas's shoulder. "Be careful! Be safe!"

Legolas bowed and stepped back. He walked out of the throne area and into his bed-chamber. It was not long since he had returned. After the battle of the five armies, Thranduil sent Legolas away. He hinted at him to find Aragorn and be by his side. Of course, it was not the only reason the Elvenking had softened. After his wife's death, he hid inside his halls. Legolas, his only son, was the only important thing in his life. Lost in his darkness and grief, he pushed his son far away. He kept him trapped inside Mirkwood. Tauriel's outburst and Gandalf's harsh words brought him back to reality.

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