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Camila's POV

I wasnt sure when I decided I wanted to travel. I dont know if it was the realisation that I wanted to expand my knowledge about the world Im living in, or if the foreign language classes I took where a learned about different cultures in various countries sparked an interest in me wanting to delve deeper and see the material first hand, or if it was the knowledge that I wont have another opportunity like this to do so.

I had already spent hours convincing my parents to allow my ambiguous and seemingly spontaneous decision to become an exchange student. My destiny?... Miami.


"Are you sure you want to do this, mija?" My mother, Sinu, asked for the hundredth time.

"Mami, weve already have had this conversation."I smiled. "I really want to go."

"I know Miami isnt that far but Ill still miss you so much. One year is a long time, Camila." My mother said sighing.

It was almost half an hour since my mother and I first brought up this conversation bordering argument about my exchange. It had taken me months to finally decide to go and I didnt want my mother to bring back those old doubts.

"You havent finished school yet and you're only in your second year..." she started saying.

"Mami" I said seriously. I was exhausted and frustrated from all this arguing. I had already made up my mind and she had already previously agreed to it. This back and forth arguing only made me more anxious about the exchange. "My decision is final." I said between clenched teeth, exasperated.

Finally, she agreed after a moment of consideration, allowing smiles to return to our faces as I realised how great an opportunity this would be to expand my knowledge of the world, and my mother gaining a sense of pride that I wasnt her little girl anymore, fully dependent on her, but a women; capable of making her own decisions and following her own desires.

In a while I will be flying to the house of the family hosting me and hopefully there, I will get to know them and make some new friends. All I have to do now is wait for their call.


Later that day, my friends Sandra and Marielle, visited my house to say their goodbyes.

"I cant believe you're actually going" Sandra exclaimed, as she took a seat at the head of my bed.

"How am I supposed to put up with this idiot without you?" she points to Marielle who was having fun spinning herself around in the computer chair.

"I swear I'll text you whenever I can" I said, smiling and endeared at my friends behaviour. "I'm sure I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone, Sandra." I tried to console giving her a hug in hopes to better my chances.

"Don't try to comfort me. I'll know when you leave. It'll constantly feel as if something is missing from our friendship group." she said sighing

"Marielle! Stop with that, you retard!" she said, somewhat irritated.

"Are you going to let her talk to me like that?" Marielle gasped, faking a confronted expression and speaking all whiney as she looked at me, sitting on the other side of the bed.

I watched them behave like idiots for a few more moments until I finally spoke my grievances at having to leave them too. "Sigh, Im going to miss you and all of your dramatics." I smiled, hugging them.

"We'll miss you too, Mila..." Marielle said hugging me from the side smiling. "...and you won't have to worry about Sandra, Ill take good care of her."

You can barely take care of yourself Sandra scoffed as she rolled her eyes and chuckled.

Choosing to ignore Sandras comment, Marielle continued; If there's one thing I hate, it's Sandra being a premenstrual bitch she grimaced, not looking forward to those future times of the month where she wont have Camila there to deal with her friend.

"Oh, shut up!" Sandra said, throwing herself back on the bed.

"Cut it out you two." I said, getting up. "I'll be on the plane soon and I don't want to waste my last hours with you for a while with petty arguments." I smiled.

"Soon? when?" Sandra asked.

"I don't know when, they'll call to tell me later." I said, sitting up with my legs on the desk that held my computer.

It took a while until I received the long-awaited call from the Jauregui family who had told me that they'd be waiting for me at the airport.

I received some information about them;

They're married with three children, Clara and Michael will be my guardians while Im there, Chris is 6, Taylor is the same age as me (16), and Lauren is a year older.

My happiness and excitement only increased as I began exchanging texts with Taylor, in which she told me that everyone was anxiously awaiting my arrival.

The day of the trip was approaching and with it the heightening of my anxiety. I began to think more about my family and friends and if I could spend a whole year away from the people that I love so much, to live in a house with some complete strangers.

But in the end, I always came to the conclusion that; this is the bed I made and now I have to sleep in it.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now