Chapter 52

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Lauren's POV

The words just came out of my mouth without having any control over them.
It was something involuntary, which came from somewhere I didn't know, but I know that a million years I won't regret saying them, at least not after seeing those chocolate colored eyes filled with so much emotion, surprise, love. And more than that, I am happy to know that all these things I see in her eyes are cassed because of me... From me

Can you believe it? Well, I do..
I don't remember when it was the last time someone looked at me without grief, hate, pure desire or an empty look.

I don't know what to say. She said

Then she lowered her eyes, looking at her own hands. I intervened there, touching her chin slightly and making her look at me again.

“You don't have to tell me what you feel about all this...” I said, with a somehow low voice “your eyes say everything you can't”

She smiled a little, shy, almost ready to see back down, but she kept her eyes on with mine

“You are so cute...” I said, touching her face

I just didn't have any control over myself, my hands kept touching her, my mouth was throwing words in the air. The effect her eyes have on me is more devastating than I imagined.

Do you want to know something else? she asked, still shy

“No, I think that's enough with that...”
I said and sighed “now you will leave from here won't you?” I guessed, feeling a strange punch in my chest.

Camila's POV

“I can't stay and you know it” I said in a low voice, still looking at her. “Taylor is getting very involved with me, because of the two of us.” I said, a little shy

“Leave my sister back, she will continue to bother you anyway, that's the only thing she knows how to do. Stay with me... ”
she asked, looking at me with those greenish eyes, full of tenderness
“or even better” she said animated“let's go out. I know a good place we can go, say yes, yes?”

I laughed with her happiness and ended up accepting going with her. I trusted Lauren and where she was taking me because of the place that Lauren chose, even that walk to the park was wonderful the last time. We went in the car to a place that looked like a gym, we entered and I found an ice skating rink.

“Are you kidding me?” I said, incredulous- “I can't skate, I can't balance myself when I'm walking...” I exaggerated

“Hey, I'm here, right?” she took me by the hand “I won't let you fall, I promise.”

She said, already taking me to the place where we put the skates. When we were ready, Lauren helped me get on the track, I grabbed the handrail that was on the wall, while she seemed very safe in front of me.

“Come, give me your hand.” she stretched her arm

“I will fall...” I said, my legs shaking, very uncoordinated.

“I already told you I won't let you fall. Come on, hold on.” she indicated her hand

I closed my eyes, in a pathetic attempt to pass myself self-confidence, I released the handrail in the same second that I grabbed, with both hands, on Lauren's arm.

I felt that my feet were sliding on the surface of ice and the assurance that I was going to fall would visit me strongly.
I threw myself in her arms, without measuring the consequences that we could fall. With an agility I never had, she grabbed me, keeping us on our feet.
It even seems easy to do this.

“Oh my God, I'm never gonna be able to move.” I complained, with my arms around her neck

“Everyone thinks that way, that's called fear of the unknown. It usually happens, but I'll help you, in the end that's why I'm here.” she said

“It's not that, you're here because you wanted to leave somehow...” I fought, gaining time by staying still

“I'm here because I think all people should have the opportunity to know how to skate.” she put her arms on my waist “Now let's go. You're going to leave here after being a professional skater.”4

She placed me in front of her, released my arms from her neck and hers from my waist and only took my two hands, moving around the track and taking me with her.

At the beginning I was having difficulties in not slipping a lot and ending up stumbling, with Lauren's calmness and patience, I ended up holding myself better and moving in a single rhythm.

“Keep doing that you're doing very well.” She commented, while she instructed me

When I lost my fear I started to do more and finally had fun.

Lauren every time I felt more confidence, helped me to do better. Until I noticed that her arms no longer touched me, she went back, skating. I lost my balance not concentrating without her and I slipped, the next moment was already in her arms again.

“Don't let me go..” I said between teeth

“Love, you were doing it alone for a while...” she said

We spent a wonderful night skating, despite being so late, there's an absurd amount of people who entered and left the place. At that moment we were already leaving

“Do you want to go to another place?” she asked, when we were on our way home

“No, I think it's better to go back.” I answered

Lauren nodded, at that moment her cell phone rang.

“Answer it for me” she said concentrating on the road

I took the cell phone and did what she asked.

“Hello?” I said

“Hey, isn't this phone Lauren's?” I recognized the voice immediately.

“Yes it is. She is driving.”

“Give her the phone, cat.” he said

“No, I'm not going to give it to her, you idiot and don't call me cat...” I warned

“Okay” he said with happy voice
“tell Lauren that I'm Keaton”

She stopped and got the phone.
I heard them planning something, Lauren didn't speak a lot she just listened, because she didn't want me discover what they were planning.

In fact, it isn't something good, she hung up and drove again. Quiet.

That's when I knew, that the 30 minutes of peace with her ended.


The next day I got up early and went for a walk, Taylor was at school, so I had to go alone. Before leaving, I realized that Lauren was no longer at home. I put my headphones on, I heard a song and walked a few blocks.

And I saw Keaton, with Lauren.

They both were on the other side of the street, with their backs to me. And what surprised me, is that they were scratching a wall.

In broad daylight, like two idiots.
I can't believe that she is scratching someone's property in that way.

I did something that I thought would be the right thing to do. I called the police.

Yes, Lauren is going to kill me I am fully aware of that, but maybe a lesson will teach her not to cause something so inhuman to the city. And in the meantime I gave Keaton a lesson too, to see if, at least, it will put him in his place for once...


Let's ignore the fact that she is doing something so incredibly stupid, I felt so disappointment, for believing, once again, that she would try to be a better person.
And that her words had been true.

The only luck i have is that I am always in all the right places, at the right time.

Since I arrived in Miami there is nothing that she does and I don't find out about it.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now