Chapter 18

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Camila's POV

I know it's rude, but I couldn't leave without listening to Lauren's conversation on the phone earlier.

When ended it, I ended up tripping over my own feet, as I climbed the stairs, Taylor started to laugh and I was red with embarrassment.

I took my notebook and decided to send an email to Marielle.


For: Marielle <>

From: Camila <>

Subject: MY LOVE


My God, how much I miss you.
Thanks for the 10 wonderful emails that you sent me, I also miss your crazineesss.

Sandra the gossip, already told you about my “sister”... -.- hahaha

Yes, she is very pretty, I admit it, but, here between us, she uses illegal things, if you don't understand me ask Sandra, she will understand. : D

When I get a picture of it, I will send it to you.

Ah Mari, the things here are going very well, but the nostalgia of the house makes me uncomfortable, a hug from my mother that I need D:

Oh, tell Sandra that I would never trade her for anyone, Taylor is a great friend, but nobody will ever steal the place of her either of you.

Well, I think that in synthesis (look at the nicest word 8D) is that.

I love you.


When I sent the email, I kept looking at some pictures that I have in my notebook, it is strange to know that the people that you love most on the face of the earth.

They are so far away, that causes pain in my chest, it leaves me without knowing when I will be away from the whole world. Before I knew it, tears were already in my eyes.

“Is everything okay?” Lauren asked at the door scaring me

I took a deep breath and ran the palm of my hand over my eyes, drying them.

“As if you cared” I answered, rudly

I don't know why I did that, since Lauren hasn't done anything wrong to me since yesterday, but the fact that she went out with the wrong people, again, left me mad. I know it doesn't make sense, because it's her life...

“ ”Maybe I care. “ ”she said seriously

Then she left the room, leaving me there, just looking at the door.

I sighed and threw a pillow away, then I remembered that I wasn't at home and I went for it.

I felt bad for being rude to Lauren, I'm not used to being like that with people, I left my room and went to hers, I knocked three times at her closed door.

“Come in!” he shouted.

I opened the door slowly and only looked at my head.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I want to apologize. The truth, is don't find it fair that others have to hear problems.”

“It's fine” she said simply, “when you go out you close the door.”

I looked at her stunned for a few seconds, she just is not paying attention to my apology.

“Did you happen to hear what I told you?
I asked, just to make sure...”


“Why are you like that? I came into your room one time you were very kind and the other time completely unbearable.” I crossed my arms “what are you so afraid of?”

“You don't know me Camila. “ ”
Her voice sounded so cold that I felt my body freeze “ ”so don't expect much from me. “ ”

“Yes I know that. I am waiting for you to change. I really hope that ecause I know that you weren't born that way, because your whole family is lovely and I am certain that one day you were also too... What I don't know is what is so that makws you waste your time always being in another world....”
“I know you understood what I meant.”

“You mean... ” she spoke, trying to explain with her hands.

“The drugs? If you are so embarrassed to say that it is a drug, why do you do it?”
I asked her. “If you think that's so good, so great, then say the word with pride.” I challenged her

“Shut your mouth.” she told me, obviously annoyied.

“The truth hurts, doesn't it? For how long do you think you will be Chris' idol, if you continue like this?” I knew I played dirty.
“you can be sure that before I leave, he will be afraid of you. ”

“Stop with that Camila.”She got up, hitten by everything I said.

“Stop this torture that you and yourself are feeling, leave those shit.” She sat down “leave those ‘friends’ who are destroying you.” I said in my softest voice “you don't need people like that.”

Lauren remained silent, with her head down, looking at her feet. I looked at her for a few seconds, I sighed heavily and shook my head.

“I didn't say all that to hurt you...” I said more carefully “maybe one day you'll understand that.”

She raised her head and looked at the opposite side of where I was, her leg was moving slowly, showing that she was nervous about something.

“Do you want to scream? If at least one of all the words I told you, managed to get in your head, I don't care if you shout at me.”

Nothing ... not a word spoken by her.

“It's okay.” I said slowly, turning to leave.

“Camila.” she called, with a broken voice, I
turned around, full of hopes “close the door when you leave.”

I bit my lower lip, facing her for a few seconds, then left her room, doing what she asked me to do.

I ran into Taylor, her eyes were full of tears.

“Nothing in the world is going to pay you back for trying to help her.. Thank you very much for helping.” she let a tear drop

I gave her a slight smile and hugged her, Taylor replied, excited.

“I'll try everything I can do to get her away from that, I will.” I let go of the hug “your sister will be back Tay, I promise.”

“Before, I didn'believe in that.” she sighed and dried her tears “but since you arrived, it was like a light for this house. You gave life to everyone here, now everyone is happy, to make you feel at home.”
I breathed deeply, in the verge of crying.

“Things were off, a smile was something weird. But you came and everything changed, my family came back..” she looked at Lauren's room  “or a part of her...” she smiled sadly

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now