Chapter 89

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Lauren's POV

At the beginning I didn't feel very comfortable among Camila's friends,
I confess that I'm a bit replaced.
I feel envious of them because they can be normal people, for making her smile always and mainly for not needing any type of drug for that. To have fun...

“Listen to something Harry, if your damn hand goes down more than it should from my waist it's going to spit in your face”
She warned him when they were going to rehearse a kiss scene

“If I come to the theater classes, can I kiss you too?” I whispered to Camila, who cackled.

“It depends, first you have to stop being a beginner...” she said and looked at me
“you have to act like the big ones, like me, it is necessary to be great...” she became serious and then she couldn't stand the laugh.

“Are you taken?” she teased, coming to us

“SILENCE” Harry said
“Pay attention to us.”

“You have been preparing for that damn scene half an hour ago...” Simone said and rolled her eyes. “I already learned your dialogue.”

“Two votes for Simone” Camila said and smiled.

“They don't appreciate art.” Carolina said and tossed her hair back.

“Is it bad friends that day?” I teased, taking a nudge from Camila.

“Grab her soon Harry.” Simone eaid impatiently “how boring...”

“Ok, to the three..” Harry warned
“Are you ready?” Carol nodded.
“One ... two ... three ...”

And he kissed her, finally. We applaud in a scandalous way. It was more a light kiss, just to represent it. The two shook hands and bowed to the audience.

The next scene is ours. She got up, while saying that to Camila

“For God's sake, I even forgot my dialogue...” she said and glanced at her booklet “ah, yes, I remember.”

And between laughter and jokes they rehearsed. Let's say there were more laughs and jokes than rehearsal.

“Did you like them?” Camila asked, when they were all gone.

“They are good people” I admitted .
“still don't like that boy, I'm sorry.”

“One thing at a time.” she said and smiled, ruffling my hair.

“Well, who knows maybe one day..” I said and shrugged.

Deep down I was feeling bad last night. Camila's friends are extremely nice people. While mine ...

I spent the night thinking if that's true, if it's right to let her get so close, while I don't know if I'll hurt her again tomorrow. My heart contracts due to the fact that I can remove the smile I saw on her face all afternoon today.

I slept little, I got up early, when Taylor was going out on hrr walk.

“Can I go with you?” I asked, looking at her.

She saw me surprised. But then she nodded. We start in silence.

“Can you help me with something?” I kicked a stone that was in the way, while I spoke

“Tell me” she said to continue

“Do you think I can be the right girl for Camila?” I asked and raised my eyes

“Oh God...” she said and let out an air she was holding.

“Hey looked at me” she said.
“Lauren drugged no, definitely can't be the right one” she said and shook her head “that Lauren that I love, clearly yes.”

“And how is the Lauren you love?” I asked for

“My protector...” she said and smiled sideways, stopped walking“the one who played with me in the square and always wanted to steal my ice cream” her lips started tk tremble, asign that she was going to cry

“The older sister that went around presuming to have...” she breathed deeply “my best friend, the one who gave me advice and took me in her arms when he fell” she drew a tear that was fell

“The one who knows how to care, knows how to love, smile...” she said and sighed

“That Lauren is the right person she wants.”

My eyes were also bathed in tears, unable to resist I took her in a hug. One that a long time ago didn't happen. The hug that I missed so much.

The hug of my sister.

We moved away after a while, Taylor dried the tears on the sleeve of her shirt.

“Stop, I hate crying in public” she said

“I know, you never change...” I said and tightened her nose, while she dodged, as she always does

“I confess I missed that” she said and smiled

“Remember when we were smaller and came with that joke of that I have your nose and I started to cry?” she remembered, laughing.

“And you ran to mom and started complaining about me taking your stuff” I Complete, laughing with her “Yes, I remember.”

We keep walking and bringing back things from the past, with a nostalgic shine in the look and the certainty that I miss having such moments with my sister. Without discussions

“Our family needs a great remedy to end the wounds...” she commented, while we were sitting in a soda, having breakfast.

“No, Tay...” I said and shook my head “our family needed an exchange student to bring us together again”

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now