Chapter 36

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Lauren's POV

Damn, I knew the bomb would explode when I got home. I was still wishing everyone was asleep when I arrived, but luck wasn't on my side.

“Once again you disappointed everyone.” Michael began his seremon

“I gave you a chance Lauren, I didn't sent you to go to work, I paid for the repair of the car, which was expensive and I ignored it. I thought you would become aware that and change, but no, you never change...”

“I didn't do anything that you and mom haven't done when you were young...” I said.

“Don't talk.” he said annoyed.
“We gave you so many ways to act or to deal with situations and you are even educated very well, use that education... Does it cost a fortune to make us a phone call and tell us that you wonn't arrive till the morning?” he said and I remained silent

“Answer me Lauren.” he said

“I forgot, okay?” I answered.

“ ”Are you aware of the fact that you almost gave all of us a heart attack? Whether we want it or not, we are your family and when you don't get home we worry. We kept thinking about anything nonsense, wondering if you could be dead in a corner, or fighting in a bar or being in a car accident. You can be sure this will cost you dearly, Lauren.” he said and ended that conversation, following my mother, who had already left.

I sat on the couch, thinking of finally being alone, when I heard a voice behind me.

“Nobody can help you, if you're not the first to do it.” Camila said and I turned around, looking at her.

“It hurts me to see your family getting destroyed because of you. Taylor doesn't gets half of your parents' attention, because they are always busy correcting your mistakes. she begann saying  your brother is always in his roomm, only, because he doesn't understand what is happening. Your parents suffer because of you and what are you doing!? You ignore everything and only think about yourself.”

“Why do they all just let me live my life?” I said and got up, looking at her. “Why doesn't anyone understand that the problem is only mine?”

She was silent for a few seconds, then looked at me disapprovingly.

“Do you know what you are? Irresponsible and immature. You don't deserve even half of what you have, and not even the half of all the love they give you.” she said and I closed my hand in a fist.

If there is something I hate is when someone's getting in to my life

“I tried to help you, I got your attention,I went slowly..” said and approaching me  “but you already lost, you showed me that you are not worth of any help. Lauren, I gave you confidence, I let you touch me, I kissed you. I lowered my look  I feel disgusted of you Lauren.. where's the beautiful person that you showed me yourself is?” she asked

And then I exploded.

“Listen to one thing Camila, I never promised you any shit, I never told you I was going to change, I never asked you for marriage. You are an exchange student who believes that she can save the world with half sweetness in a word and that she lives in a world of dreams. You're nobody to tell me to be moral, I don't even know you.”

“In my dream world, people are more interesting than reality.” she said and looked at me, still calm “and you're right, I'm nobody to help you. I'm just an idiot who believes more in people.” she said, she turned and went upstairs.

I closed my eyes tightly and ran my hands through my hair. SHIT!

Camila's POV

Tears of shame already went down imy eyes, I entered the room forgetting completely that Taylor was there.
She got scared when I opened the door.

“You scared me girl” she said and placed her hand on her chest, pushing herself off the bed. “What happened?” she asked

Shit, shit, shit. I hate getting to explain why I am like this.

“Nothing.”I said and on the bed, a little nervous about having to talk.

Taylor tried to hug me, as I stoped her

“Taylor, don't take it badly, but if you hug me right now I'm going to fall apart.” I said sincerely, with my lips trembling I know I'm going to cry, wait to calm down.

“Of course, I'm sorry” she said and sat next to me “you don't want to talk about what happened, do you?” she asked

She remained silent, beside me.

I breathed deeply several times, keeping back my tears and tried to stop thinking about what happened.

A littlw time later, I stoped thinking about it

“I think I'm fine.” I said and looked at Taylor, who was still silent in the same place

“Thank you.” I said and smiled

“Girl, you have no idea how hard it was for me to stop talking. For the love of God, don't ever do that with me again..” she said

“I didn't stop you from talking.” I said

“Yes, I know. But it wasn't a good time to have a conversation... ”she said sincerely

I smiled at her and let her be light-headed as she spoke, because, really, it must have been torture for Taylor to remain silent.

The days went by, slowly, I cut everything and any kind of conversation with Lauren, I didn't give her a glance. I miss more and more my house in Mexico, there are days that I feel lost around here.

Things didn't change much these past two months, Taylor and Drew eventually became engaged. Lauren continued doing the same things as always, but as much as it hurta me to see Clara taking care of her when she arrives home in a state beyond that she was a month ago,

I don't move a single finger to help her, the truth being told I pretend that I don't see anything . Classes will start tomorrow, so while being here and getting more and more bored I decided to take several classes, such as English, cooking and theater. Since Taylor was finishing the third year, then, unfortunately, she won't be with me.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now