Chapter 111

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Camila's POV

The weather became heavy all week, Lauren avoided every contact with her parents by spending most of the time away from home or with Chris. Another refuge she found was in Drew, who had been a good friend every time. one

“So girls,are you ready to see me beat Lauren in volleyball?” he asked, as we headed toward the field.

“Drew, when was the last time I lost in a game before you? In fifth grade?” she asked

“Was in eighth and don't sing victory before time” he returned, laughing.

We sat in the stands that were there, while the others went to play.

“I don't know who to look at” Taylor said and putted her sunglasses on hee head and bit her lips, analyzing the players.

“Don't be stupi” I said and nudged her
“You're in love...”

“I'm in love, not blind” she said laughing.

I shook my head, fixing my eyes on Lauren, who was in the corner of the court, there are times when just looking at her I feel like smiling.

“Why are you and my sister not official at once?” I turned my gaze to her.

“I think she doesn't want anything serious” I took a wick of my hair and I kept spinning in it “also, I don't know if she feels anything more than attraction...” I shrugged.

“She felt attraction for those dairy cows that were in the dens...” I kept moving my hair “Lauren looks at you in a special way” she said and smiled “like now, for example”

I looked up, in the same instant in which she diverted hers.

I wasn't understanding half of what was going on in the field, that's why I always imitated all of Taylor's reactions, until I realized that doing that was cheering Drew and not Lauren, so I started doing everything otherwise.

I confess that in the middle of the game I had to sit down, not because of fatigue, but because my legs were shaking when I saw Lauren's current state.

Her wet hair, the water that spilled on her, the sweaty face and the shirt stuck to her body. I bit my lips, unable to believe that someone as wonderful as she could be interested in a simple exchange girl like me. At the end of the game, my heart accelerated with each step she took approaching us, just as my face colored with its gaze fixed on me...

“You won by luck” Drew murmured, giving up.

“Clearly” Lauren said ironically, holding a laugh “hey, how did the game go?” shasked us.

“You have no idea how much good it did” Tayloe said with a smile on her face, going to hug Drew.

Lauren approached with slow steps, smiling, somehot shy, then took me by the waist, crashing her body to mine.

One day I asked you if you felt disgusted with saliva... she reminded me, making me laugh Now I want to know if you feel disgusted by sweat?

If I had, you would be dead right now.
I said, laughing.

She smiled and brushed her mouth with mine, then biting my lip torturingly.

Lauren's POV

I pressed my lips on hers, opening them, asking permission to kiss her, Camila wrapped her arms around my neck, pushing me towards her, letting me initiate the kiss that every part of my body needed.

I pressed her waist, joining even more, feeling her completely, my tongue entered her mouth, making me delirious. With every movement, I was on the verge of exploding.

Her small hands came down my back, scratching, provoking, I forgot where I was,
I wanted to make her mine at that moment, feel her tremble in my arms, kissing every part of her body.

At that moment Taylor coughed loudly.

And cut us.

Fucking, stupid..

“Motel, second street on the right..” she teased, as we pulled away.

Camila colored in the moment, I hugged her, leaving her next to my chest and sending Taylor to shut her mouth over her shoulder.

“Everything's good, my love” I said carried her hair, leaving a kiss on the top of her head “don't pay attention to Taylor.”

“Yes, after that my love, don't give importance to anything else” she said and left the message and left laughing, hugging Drew.

Camila's POV

I hugged Lauren tightly, hiding my face in her chest and trying to recover from the effect of her words. It was something considerably dumb, how many people go around saying love to the walls!? but hearing that coming from her mouth had a special meaning in all my dreams.

“I convinced her, she's gone” Lauren murmured, laughing.

I smelled a little more of her perfume, then I moved a bit away. Lauren ran her hand down my cheek, caressing it slightly.

“You're red..” she commented, with a childish gleam in her eyes.

I didn't know what to tell her. My legs still trembled at the kiss, my breathing was lacking and my heart was pounding at her words.

And it was there that they arrived ...

Three girls, no, not girls, women, with clothes three times smaller than the size they probably had to wear. Lauren narrowed her eyes to try to see who they were, until the recognition went through her face.

“Patricia, Carla...” she greeted one brunette and the blonde, the other, apparently, doesn't know her. one

Lauren, how long has it been? I released her hand, at the exact moment when the brunette threw herself into her arms.

Be careful not to explode the silicone, I thought...

“It's good to see you again...” she said and smiled, walking away and giving a kiss to the blonde on her cheek, which to top it was next.

“I didn't know you had another sister” Carla referred to me, with a smile on her face

Breath deeply.

“No I don't...” she answered, confused. Until she understood “Oh, she is Camila” whe introduced me, taking me to her side again.

“Your... cousin?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“My girlfriend...” she affirmed, and I froze “future, to be exact” she said smiling

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now