Chapter 117

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Camila's POV

The next day I decided to take Chris for a walk, he did not understand exactly what was happening or why his sister hadn't returned to the house.

“My lolo won't come back?” he asked, as we walked hand in hand through the park.

“Clearly she will.” I said and smiled “you want an ice cream?” I asked, seeing the ice cream man in front. He nodded, we went to the post.

“Where is my sister?” he asked, taking his chocolate ice cream and sitting on a bench

“She went to solve some problems” I sat next to him “she went to talk with some people...”

“And I don't know how to talk?” he asked looking at me.

“Of course you know” I said and ran my hand through his hair.

“Then why didn't she talk to me?” He asked confused.

“Because it was about adult issues” I touched his nose, smiling.

He nodded and stood still for some time, moving his legs.

“Mila...” I looked at him again “I miss her” he said with a sad gesture. I brought him close and I hugged him.

“Me too...” she whispered “I miss her a lot.” I sighed, giving a kiss on the top of his head.

Lauren's POV

“Hey, sleepy, open your eyes” Bianca said and gave me a little elbow, I yawned and I saw her, with sleep “happy two months” He showed me a cake with a candle

“What the fuck is this!?” I looked at her

I saw her, confused, as she struggled to keep my eyes open and focused on her face.

“Two months at the clinic, Lauren” she explained “Blow before the filthy candle blows before it burns me” she said and I sat, carefully, just for doing it. Then I blew.

“This isn't something I want to celebrate” I said in a high voice.

“Everything is a reason to celebrate” she put the cake on the bed and cut a piece
“even more when you can eat cake” she said, laughing, giving me a slice.

“I'll be out of here without drugs, but as a reward I should have gained fifty kilos” I teased.

“How dramatic” she rolled her eyes “if that scares you then you should go to walk more often through the garden...” she looked at me “or else, you really won't go through the door.”

“You're good at raising people's self-esteem” I said

“I'll raise yours right now” she said and sat down “you're doing very well with the treatment” she smiled “you have had few crises, you are holding firm...” I rubbed my eyes “if you continue like this you will be far from here very soon...”

“Amen” I said.

These two months didn't happen very fast, really, I think they were the longest days of my life. And during all this time, every morning, afternoon and night, there was not a second when I didn't think of Camila.

Camila's POV

Half month.

That's just what I need to return to Mexico. So that everything is left behind, like a dream. I began to value more this city that welcomed me so well. The farewell atmosphere was already rolling in all my friends and in my new family, who every time they embraced me slowly and told me nice things.

Of all, Taylor, I know that she feels the most. She became my sister, my confidant, my best friend. The clock is against us, when I think that ten minutes were actually two hours. Her look still sad, lost, wandering the house. Drew is at her side, like the good boyfriend she is, always holding her hand and soothing her when she gets nervous. The internment of Lauren and my next departure have been playing a lot with her feelings.

And with mine too. On the one hand I am crazy to go back to Mexico, to hug Sandra and Marielle, to kiss my parents, to see my country. On the other hand, I don't want to leave behind all the history that I built here.

I don't want to leave Lauren.
I don't want to leave without seeing it.

Tonight I cried more than usual.
I cried with anguish. Scared of indecision. For the nostalgia of those who are far away and then for those who are nearby.

I took the little notebook in which I am writing and decided to "talk" with Lauren.

"Dear Lauren ...

Today wasn't easy, I always want to have your arms around my body and your words of encouragement, encouraging me that everything will turn out well in the end. However, that end is already coming, my head is spinning millions ...

I don't know what to do!

How can I choose between my blood family and my heart? How can I be completely happy here or there?

I need both.

Of Taylor and Marielle and Sandra.
Of Clara and Sinu.
From Michael and Alejandro.

From Chris and Sofi. How to solve this!? Because the distance has to be so big that it can not be ignored!?

Just tell me, please, what should I do!?

I need you here, I need to see your eyes and have the certainty that everything will be fine.

Come back my love...

With love, Camila. "

I heard knocks on the door and Taylor came in, sitting next to me on the bed and pretending not to see the tears he was trying to dry.

“Can I tell you a story?” she said, even trying to clean my face “it's about a girl who lived surrounded by her sister and her friends... she never had a best friend, because she was always surrounded by boys, was half tomboy and had a certain pride for that” she smiled sideways “until her biggest example, which was her sister, disappointed her” she cleaned her throat

“so the girl closed to the world, afraid of losing someone else who loved...” I kept my gaze on her “until an angel, who came from heaven from afar, with brown eyes and dark hair, appeared in his life and won the affection and confidence of the girl” I smiled “that wanted to be for her what her sister was in her life, because she noticed that the angel was lost out there” she took a deep breath

“but that angel completed her mission and now it's time for her to fly again...” she began to accumulate tears in her eyes “and leave the girl and the healed heart of her sister behind” I bit my lips.

“But this girl doesn't want to see her angel leave, because she became her best friend, the first she had..” I felt the tears return to burn my eyes “the angel who brought peace, smiles, brought confidence and mainly brought friendship to the girl, who is afraid of not seeing her again” she sighed and putted her hand on her face

“Do you want to help me change the end of this story?” she looked at me “because the girl does not want to be without that angel forever.”

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now