Chapter 122

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Camila's POV

For a fraction of a second I thought she would back off, so I had to be quick, so as not to let her think too much.

Only when I felt so delivered as soon as I stopped harassing her. She brushed her lips on mine, biting them, then turned and got up.

She left me in the palm of her hand.

It was the first thing that came to mind. But she just went to lock the door and came back smiling.

Then, without saying anything, she pressed her lips over my abdomen, over the blouse I wore, until she reached my mouth again.

She only made a caress in the place and diverted the course to my cheek, sliding down my body, where I savored torturingly, I grabbed her hair and took my head back, giving her better access to the place.

I sighed as I felt her hot lips touch with my skin- and with my self-control.

However, I had already decided that I wouldn't be the only one who was going to suffer today, I turned my body, forcing her to leave me in control.

I sat on her lap and leaned over her, brushing my lips on her neck.

I smiled at the moment in which I noticed that the reaction was direct. Her whole skin shuddered.

I mixed kisses and hickeys all over the place, with each sigh of Lauren I felt more like a woman.

Like the good girl she is, she didn't want to be controlled for a long time, leaving me under her body again.

Her hand traced my curves, while her lips captured the globule of my ear.

All my senses arose when her warm hand touched my cold skin, under my blouse, until, with skill, she got rid of her.

And she gasped when she realized I wasn't wearing anything under her.

“You're amazing...” She commented, in the middle of a laugh “you spent a lot of time thinking about how you were going to seduce me?”

I shrugged, unable to say anything.

She smiled and brought her lips to my now naked breasts, placing a kiss between them.

Quickly my body caught fire when her mouth captured one of them, I squeezed her arm hard, while an intense feeling of pleasure ran through my body.

When I thought she was going to stop torturing myself, she I left what she did in one of my breasts to address the other.

I felt her excitement grow, making me give myself more and more, everything in me contracted with every movement she made.

Lauren's POV

She certainly took the day to make me crazy, I missed her skin absurdly against mine, to feel her perfume, the taste of her lips, the touch of her hands... I loved her so much that it was impossible to control any action.

In seconds she proved me again that she is the only one who manages to fully alert me only by seeing her naked body.

I felt her take my blouse up, I helped her a little, so she could remove it, I ran my lips over the tip of her nose and then quickly savored her lower lip.

Giving Camila pleasure is
what makes me feel special.

I pay attention to every reaction of her body, every little shiver that I can cause in it.

I feel her breasts on to mine, increasing more and more the critical state in which I was. I lowered my hands down her body, pressing her thigh, while I kissed her lips again.

In a short time we were without anything.
She brushed her body on me, provoking.
I held her face, lightly, making her look me in the eyes.

“I love you” I said.

“I love you too” she replied, breathless.

After this, I made a path for her abdomen, I tried to torture her a little by kissing slowly between her thighs, at that time I felt it was time to make her mine, once again.

I put my fingers to do what I do best with them, with all the care I made her feel, perceiving, once again, that Camila completely completes me.

Our movements were rhythmic, with every little moan that she let out, I felt more complete.

Being this way with Camila makes me realize that I don't need anything else in the world.

From time to time she moved more quickly, proving that she is as crazy with all this as I am.

My lips didn't stop touching her, I needed to be in total contact with her.

All the time.

Her body fell on the bed and then mine did the same, relaxed in my arms. I turned her over in bed, she was in front of me.

Her hair matted, her body without strength and her trembling lips only make me see how I love her.

And how I want to see it
like that more times.

“I love you...” I said again, smiling, placing a kiss on her lips “I love you..” I repeated, in the middle of another small kiss
“I love you..”

“Te amo” she said hoarsely, in a language I didn't know.

“What does this mean again?” I asked, remembering again that she uttered those same words, without my understanding.

“You want to know what it means?” I nodded, curious “I love you” she translated me

And I felt like a great idiot not to discover that from the first time she said it.

“I love you in all languages” I said, she smiled and snuggled over my body, trying to catch her breath.

Camila's POV

The room was flooded with silence, so deep that I thought Lauren had fallen asleep, when I looked up to spy I found the green of her eyes. And I received a beautiful smile.

“Remember how hard it was to make you smile?” I reminded, in a low voice.

“I remember how you were cheating and you stole the card games to make me show you my teeth” I laughed lightly.

“Which slanders, I was always better than you in the games” I defended myself
“the fault is yours to let me choose what I want...”

“Why was it so important for you to see my smile?” she asked, stroking my hair.

“It wasn't important to me, it was only important to you.” I said

“Huh?” she blinked, not understanding.

“As well as, you needed to smile, you already had cobwebs in such a bad mood...” she began to laugh.

I leaned against Lauren's abdomen to see her face.

“You're amazing, you know?” she smiled, giving me a kiss on the nose.

I smiled back, giving her a light kiss on the lips, Lauren took the opportunity to bite my lower lip, while smiling.

“I have something for you” she told me, out of nowhere, and she got up.

I tried, I swear I tried not to see herbody. But it didn't work...

Her breasts and the perfect contour of her waist, the brown hair, the outline of her thighs, everything in Lauren was attractive.

And the first thing I thought the first time I saw her came back to my mind.

There are no such people in Mexico.

She came back, now with a short and sleeveless shirt, baggy that I don't know when she put it on, with the guitar and a piece of paper in her hands.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now