Chapter 49

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Camila's POV

I couldn't believe it when I heard Sandra's familiar voice, a relief invaded my body, I couldn't explain how happy I felt, until I had talked to her which made me understand how much I missed her. How much nostalgic I was. I noticed that they putted the speaker, when Marielle began to interrupt Sandra.

“For God' sakes Camila, speak Spanis please” she said impatiently, and then I realize that I was speaking English, out of habit.

“I'm sorry, I'm used to speak English..”
I said unable to contain the big smile
I had for talking to my best friend

“Marielle isn't even a bit familiar with that language.” Sandra said “she looked like an Indian talking to the girl who answered the phone.”

“THAT'S A LIE” Marielle shouted
“I know how to speak English, better than many people out there.”

“Marielle, shut up.” Sandra said, while they kept fighting
“Who's the girl who answered the phone? She had a beautiful voice for the love of God” she said again

I made a huge laughter that stoped me from saying anything

“Come on Camila, you can laugh later, the call is going to be expensive...”
She said while I tried to restrain myself
“it took us a long time to convince our parents to talk with you.” she said again

“You are the best friends in the whole world.” I spoke excitedly

“I know, girl, I know. I'm dying of nostalgia.” Marielle she said in a baby voice “come back soon.”

“I also miss you a lot. I will bring you gifts.” I said

“I don't care if you bring the person who answered the phone. Come on, spit it, who was she”

“Oh my God I can't believe that you called me to talk because you heard the voice of one of my little sisters...” I said laughing

“I DON'T BELIEVE IT” she shouted
“Is she the one with the green eyes?
You lucky bitch, I would like to stay in a house with beautiful girl and with the voice as beautifulas hers too” she said with no limit

Lauren's POV

I gave up trying to listen what the said I have no idea what they were saying so I went back to my room.

About 20 minutes later Camila came in with the phone in her hands and her head down, and at a second I noticed her red eyes.

“Hey, what's up?” I touched her arm, holding it lightly

“Nothing” she said, her voice hoarse and heavy.

“What nothing? You were crying..” I touched her cheek, gently, caressing it

“I'm fine now”she sobbed, trying to be strong “It was just that... I mean...well, I..” she stumbled, too weak to pretend

“Did something happened toyour relatives?” she shocked her head no “with your friends?” still a no “then...?”

“I just...” She sighed, defeate
“I miss them so much..” she admitted, slightly red, “I don't know, but talking to my friends maked my heart hurt”
her voice faded little and the tears, which she had probably blocked, began to fall.

I couldn't do anything but take her in my arms. I stroked her hair and rocked her slowly.

“I promise you'll feel better later.” I whispered, knowing that she needed to hear it

Her tears began to fall more and more,
I felt my heart shrink with that and the fact that there is nothing that can I can do to stop the saddnes that she feels, unless she returns to the people she misses and that, I know, that it won't happen yet.

I just kissed her head and hugged her even harder.

Camila's POV

Slowly my tears stopped and I managed to calm down, but I kept hugging Lauren for a little longer.

Her arms were my strength, they gave me tranquility and confidence. The big blouse she wore made her look much more prettier to hug, she looked like a big bear.

That took me back to the day she arrived, saying nonsense about the poor bear. I ended up laughing, she realized, she moved away a little, looking at me.

“What are you laughing at?” She asked, wiping the tears from my face.

“Nothing, I remembered some things..”
I breathed deeply, trying to block the laughter. When I got serious, I spoke again “Thank you...” I said, squeezing her hand slightly, which was intertwined with mine.

“It's good to know that I did something good, for you to feel better”she sighed, giving a kiss on my forehead “are you better?” I was silent for a few seconds, her eyes were full of something I hadn't seen before...
There was love in them

“I am.Hm ... today you helped me more than you can imagine.” I said

“You're helping me daily” she said and I felt my body bristle with revelation
“when you need me.. you know where I live...” she teased, witha smile

“Okay...” I said and got separated from her “I love that type of blouse you're wearing It's cute.” I said and smiled

“And I love your smile” she said living me red

I managed to leave Lauren's room, afraid that the lovely person she was being, would disappear out of nowhere, as normally happens.

So I left and went to my room and found nothing more and nothing less than Taylor.

I'm so fucking happy Camila broke up with Ew lol

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now