Chapter 121

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Camila's POV

I hugged her again, hard, because I couldn't believe she was here.
That she could come home before I left.
It seems that the surprise wasn't only mine. 

Neither of them was believing in this reunion. I needed to control myself and release her, let her be with her family, but my body doesn't allow it, I don't have enough strength to get away.

She looked at me once again and without saying anything approached her lips to mine, I closed my eyes and waited to feel her taste again.

The kiss started slow, full of longing, salty with tears, moved by emotion. I didn't understand exactly that she was right there, my head was spinning a thousand times, I needed to feel her to be able to believe it.

My mouth trembled, lost, letting itself be guided by Lauren, who did everything to be affectionate.

I took her by the neck, forcing her to intensify the kiss, her tongue intertwined with mine, creating a sequence of chills in my body. We moved away, looking for a little air, her lips were still touching mine.

“I can't believe you're still here” she whispered, in the middle of a smile.

“And I can't believe you're home either” I said, in the same tone.

“How is it possible that you are prettier than I remembered?” she asked and touched my face, caressing it lightly.
I smiled, letting her dry my tears.

I saw her hand out of the corner of het eye and I could see that she was still wearing the bracelet that I put on her pulse before being admitted. Lauren noticed my look.

“The most difficult part of being hospitalized wasn't having to put up with medications, needles or the lifeless environment...” she told me “it was having to be without you...not knowing where you were, how were you or what you did...” she held my hand, intertwining her fingers in mine.

“It's funny, but I only gave value to what I feel when I didn't have you near” she smiled a little “now you're going to have to put up with me, because I cry for anything” we laughed “and I'm a little mellow” she grimaced.

“But you know why I don't care? because I love you. And I'm happy to become an idiot..” we smiled.

I stopped being selfish and walked away from Lauren, allowing her family to get closer, I went to the room.

To her room to wait until everyone could kill the nostalgia, because I knew that if I stayed in the room she would not concentrate on anything else. And I couldn't stand being far away.

I went to bed and put on my headphones, while listening to any song, I closed my eyes and tried to put each idea in its place. I didn't see the time pass.

I just came back to me as I felt Lauren's warm lips graze my neck. Her body slightly over mine. I opened my eyes and removed my hearing aids.

“Sleepyhead” she smiled, raising her head to see me “now you are the owner of my room?” She teased.

“I am” I answered, making a pout. She deposited a small kiss there, making me smile “I missed you so much” I said and took her, hugging her very hard.

“Not a second went by when I didn't think of you.” she admitted

“I thought I wasn't going to see you anymore..” I confessed, she looked at me.

“After all we deserved a little bit of happiness..” she smiled.

“A little? Having you here is my greatest happiness” I said and she kissed my forehead. I saw her arm, noticing the marks of the needles

“They hurt you” I said sadly, she turned, staying beside me, lifting me to stay on her chest, I ran my finger lightly by the wounds.

“Don't worry, they're just brands, it doesn't hurt..” she caressed my hair and
I nodded.

We remained silent for some time, only feeling the presence of each other, until I took courage to ask for something.

“Can I ask you something?” I looked at her again.

“Whatever you want my love” she looked at me back, smiling.

“I want you to make me yours...” I closed my eyes to speak “because I need to feel you completely.”

Lauren's POV

I immediately froze with your request.

“Are you sure?” I asked, for fear that she was speaking by simple impulse..or I don't know.

“I'm asking you, right?” she replied, convinced.

“But here?” I made a gesture.

“Why? I know you've already brought other girls here before” she answered.

“And that is the problem..” I looked at her “you aren't like the other girls...”

“Then love me, that's all I ask of you.”

Her hands grabbed my face, making me see her, she brushed her lips on mine, I closed my eyes without being able to resist and bite her lower lip, tasting it at once and bringing it over my body, while invading her mouth with my tongue.

I slid my hands down her back, needing to touch her, even without believing her sudden request.

I played with her tongue,  I moved my lips guiding myself by the desire that grew more and more, while I was surprised by the provocative movements that Camila gave over my body, to end once and for all with any trace of reason that I could have.

She brushed herself against me, making my whole body alert. I loved her too, with all the strength of my heart.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now