Chapter 129

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Lauren's POV

I got up, with trembling hands, I took the note that Camila had left, while with the other hand I held tight the bracelet.

"Don't get drunk for not being able to stand your own pain, I was everywhere and I was only myself." - (John Lennon).

p.s. the one who is returning to her country."

I saw the bracelet on my arm, the only sign that she really was here someday.
At the same moment the door below opened, I ran down, with a little hope.

“Lauren...” Michael called me, capturing my attention “what a shame” he said and shook his head.

My body froze, he already found out
“you haven't gone to say goodbye to Camila” I sighed, relieved “but, in the house of what friend did you sleep yesterday?” I babbled a name and went back to the room, where I looked out the window, seeing the immense blue sky.

I imagined her eyes.

That now they are so far from me.

I looked out of the corner of my eye under my bed, even with my eyes full of tears, and noticed a small notebook that I had not noticed before. I bent down to pick it up and removed the dust on its cover.

The notebook.

The one that I asked Camila to write.

I wiped my face with the sleeve of my shirt and sat on the bed, opening it. I touched the pages, with an enthusiastic longing in my heart.

And I didn't even have the opportunity to say goodbye....

Camila's POV

I laid my head on the seat of the plane, put on my headphones and let my thoughts fly with the quiet song that sounded.

Moments, many of them, returned with everything to my mind, although I have gone through bad things I wouldn't change this exchange for anything.

If I cried, I smiled a thousand times more. If I got lost, I knew a part of me that I did not even know existed.

If I made a mistake, I learned so many things that it is impossible to list.

Each second was valuable. And just remembering that the desire to cry return, I do not know how it will be my return to Mexico, but I know I will certainly miss Miami a lot.

Chris and his cartoons at seven o'clock in the morning, Clara and her constant concern, Michael and his shy, but nevertheless, protective form...

Taylor and all the laughter we share and, although a part of me is wanting her to explode right now, I'll miss Lauren.

And that enormous love that I discovered that I charge in my heart. However, after today, I felt the need not to want to return, Lauren made it very clear to me that this is not my place, that they aren't my family, even though it seems.

And more than ever I need a mother's lap, a paternal kiss, a hug from my sister, a discussion with Sandra and Marielle.

I need to erase all the bad moments and keep only the good ones. I removed the headphones and listened to the movie that was happening, newly married, the moment

I started to see one of the characters, he said the most true and propitious phrase for the moment:

"You never see the bad days in a photo album, but those are the days that lead from a happy photo to the next one."

Now it's time to restore my album, go home and restart my life. A life without Lauren.

Lauren's POV

Page by page, letter by letter, it tore my heart. Tears wet my face, preventing me, several times, from reading.

Something that would do me good a while ago, today is a martyrdom.

Knowing all the longing, the torture, the moments of pure love that she passed me, hurt me because I was weak.

Because I thought I was cured, I thought I would see the drugs and I wouldn't feel anything, that I don't need more of them.

But it was like a mixture of emotions, I couldn't stand it. I didn't even have time to run away from that place.

When I realized I was lying in the middle of the street. A few months to cure a vice of four years, what great stupidity, it is obvious that it wouldn't work.

I am nothing without the remedies of the rehabilitation center, I can't resist when I don't have them entering me.

And now, that I am without them and without Camila, everything will be more impossible. I lost it, even before I had it completely.

When I was reaching the final pages of the diary, I no longer had tears to drop, I had already spent them all.

I found a picture, with a note hanging in a corner. I took it with my trembling hands, I caressed the image of Camila, frozen, wishing she would move.

That would insult me.

Let it out of there. I'll come back

Various phrases that Camila wrote fit perfectly to what I am feeling.

Although in a different context.

One of them, the one of the first day, describes with perfection today.

"Today was only the first of many days in which you will feel your absence, it is as if there was a void in all the places I see, something is missing."

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now