Chapter 110

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Camila's POV

Although I knew that this was the last and best way out, my heart was shattered when I heard the conversation coming from below. Michael stood up to speak and in the end said it in any way, without soundings, without preparing it before.

I know he's right but the way he said it to Lauren wasn't the best and that's why I was afraid to see her go aimlessly.
I didn't think twice about going after her, even if she doesn't deserve it, she needs support now.

I looked for it in the nearest streets, in the bars that I knew I frequented, in the park and in the ice cream parlor. And nothing that I found it. But, as they always say, we must look where we least believe.

And it was then that I saw her sitting on a rock in the middle of the beach. The wind hit her face, in the distance she looked like a mermaid, looking at the sea, when I got closer I could see the confusion of feelings represented in the uncontrollable tears that fell down her face.

I felt without soil.

I sat next to her, in silence and I saw the same place she was looking at. It didn't take long for hee to realize that he was there.

“How long ago did you know?” she asked, looking away to the sea, not caring to hide the tears.

“I didn't know...” my voice didn't come out louder than a whisper.

“I .. I don't need that kind of help..” she said in his voice full of pain “the last thing that will do me good is to stay watching people throw me in the face that I am a drug addict, day after day...” she said and blinked several times, on account of the tears.

Her mouth was trembling “I don't want to wake up and find out that there is someone seeing me with grief, treating me like an idiot..” I bit my lips, holding the crying
“I don't want that, Camila, I don't want to...” He cried again, crying much louder.

I pushed her into my arms, she hugged me tightly, looking for some kind of support, tears already falling down my cheek.
I placed my fingers in her hair and squeezed them, only to show her that I am with her.

“Everything will be fine...” I whispered “in the end you will realize that this will do you good.“ ”

“But I don't want to go” she said and took a step away, looking at me. Her green eyes bathed in tears, with pain, with fear.

“Listen to me...” I said and held her face and made her look at me “ believe me that if I had another way I swear I would move mountains so you wouldn't...” I affirmed
“but I know that deep down you are aware that, there is nothing more we can do.”
she cried lowly “It didn't work the way we tried and I don't want to and I'm not going to let you ruin your life.”

“The point is that I won't have more life after being hospitalized” she countered, breathing deeply “I'm going crazy” she put her hands on her head.

“I promise you will be for a short time” I held her hands “and you will get out of there, you will be free of that vice”

“And I'll get out when you're gone...” she murmured, seeing our hands together.

I opened my mouth to answer, but couldn't say anything. Because she was right.

“Don't you understand that the only reason why I still have not thrown everything to shit and gave up trying to cure me is you!?” she said and I breathed deeply, trying not to cry again “that the moment you aren't here anymore, I won't have to keep fighting against vice!?” she left the tears keep falling “that if every day I wake up wanting to improve is for you!?” with each word she said, my heart was beating harder “that it isn't for me or for my parents or for any other person that tries to be different, that is for you, only for you” she said in a low voice.

“Everything is for you, Camila...” she said looking at me “because I want to be good enough to be by your side, I want you to be proud of me...” without being able to control it I cried again “I want to be able to take care of you, hold you, make you laugh..” she said in a tender voice “I want to put away your fears and never disappoint you” she said and I pressed her hand “but everything goes wrong, the more I try, the more I hurt you...”

“Don't say that...” I said and shook my head. “And I'm proud of you, I know you're strong, you're unique...” I said and ran my hand over her face, caressing it “and you make me smile just because you exist.” I said smiling, between tears “you make me feel alive, Lauren..” she put her hand on mine “you make me feel mistress... ” I got hooked.

“What?” She looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

“Nothing, I was going to say something stupid..” I decided to leave it like this.

“In short, I just do not want to hear you again saying that you do everything wrong.”

“And I never want to hear you again saying that feeling loved is silly” she answered, to my surprise “because it's exactly how I feel with you” she admitted, looking at me in the eyes.

“I never felt as loved as you, never felt that it mattered to anyone or that you really wanted to make me smile” she said sincerely “that you would like my company and that you would make the simplest things become unique” she said and took my hand.

“I remember everything, Camila, every moment, every detail...” she confessed
“I remember when we were in the park and because I was stupid with you, I remember our first kiss and in the club, when you followed me...” she said and smiled
“I remember our fight coming back from the ice cream shop and our night watching the stars...” she said “I remember how you insisted to see me smile and smile in the snow...” she gave me a small smile “I just took everything here” she put her hand over her heart “the exchange is yours, but who won with all this was me.”

“I remember how much you hated the beach” I said and smiled a little “and how ironic to find you here”

“When Taylor said that this place is good to meet I didn't believe her” she looked at me “but now the beach happened to be one of my favorite places” she said and smiled.

Lauren's POV

I held her chin slightly, a little calmer than a few minutes ago, when I ended up exploding, I brushed my lips in hers, feeling her breathing touch my face, I took her into my arms, until I had her in my lap, I ran my hand through her leg, while completely joining our mouths, initiating a salty kiss on account of the tears.

Her arms wrapped around my neck, as I concentrated on that moment, forgetting all the problems that were rolling in my mind. I grabbed her body as a kind of shelter, she always ends up being my safe harbor. Her perfume more and more left me crazy, I loved her as I never wanted someone before, I wanted her for me.

And if to have if it's necessary to enter, then bring the straitjacket.I closed the kiss with a soft one on her lips and wrapped her arms around my waist, Camila leaned back against me, snuggling up.

“Thank you...” I murmured, giving her a kiss on his cheek.

“For..?” she asked, smiling.

“For one more time appearing at the exact moment...” I pulled her hair to the side, kissing her shoulder.

“ Yes, I'm a good person” she said, making me laugh a little.

“I hate crying in front of others” I said, drying my face “I feel weak”

“What a nonsense” she said and looked at me. “I find you very strong.” she said and smiled “only the big people have the courage to show their feelings...”

I smiled at her, kissing her nose.

Unhappily I couldn't stay away from home forever, I returned to Camila, my fingers entwined in hers, recording every little detail of her face or the surrounding landscape, because after all this will be only a memory.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now