Chapter 16

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Camila's POV

On my way back to the bathroom, .
I saw the door of Chris's room half open and a conversation was coming from inside it, I stopped next to it and peeked.

“Why are not you sleepy champion?” she asked, sitting besides him on the bed

“I had a nightmare.” he answered, rubbing his eyes “several monsters came to look for me.” he said and widened his eyes

“Eh, but it was just a dream.” she said and ran her hand through his hair.
“Are you afraid to stay alone?”

“Yes...” Then he lowered his voice to say the following phrase... “I think there is a monster inside the closet.”

“Where?” she got up, going to the closet door “in here?” she asked, in the same tone of voice that Chris used.

“Yes...” he said cautiously “careful.”

Lauren made a sign of silence and gently opened the door, peeping, then opened it completely.

“I think it's already gone.” she said and smiled.

I smiled too, the way she treated Chris is completely different from how she treats any other person, she is a totally loving and attentive Lauren, who truly smiles, who shows herself as a good older sister.

“And if he comes back?” he asked, hiding under the blankets.

“Hhm, if he comes back, you call me.” she sat down next to him again.

“What do you say about sleeping here?” je smiled, sitting down.

“How will I fit in your bed?” whe asked amused.

“I make you a place.” he said and ran to the side “but you have to tell me a story.” he spoke cheerfully.

“It's fine..” she settled next to him “what story?” she asked.

“Anything” he spoke with the typical smile of a child “but you have to invent it.” his eyes shone

Then after I realized that Lauren always has those moments with Chris and that wouldn't interrupt anything, so I decided to enter.

“Wow, a story.” I said sitting on the bed next to them

Chris smiled hugely and hugged me by my neck.

“Mila, are you going to stay here with us?” he asked, excitedly.

“If you let me...” I stared at Lauren, who gave a half smile and nodded

“Of course we'll let you”he sat on my lap “right sister?”

“Of course, of course.” she shooked her hair “can we start?” the two nodded

“There was once, in a very, very distant realm a small boy who wanted to be a pirate...” I could not stand it and I started to laugh, Lauren looked at me

“I apologize...” I said putting my hand on my lips “is that..” I tried to calm down, but it did not turn out...“ is that pirate named Lauren?” I laughed again, Chris accompanied me, although I think he didn't understand the joke, because I didn't understand it

“Leave me and my story alone...” she said an continued “he was talking with a berrinchuda girl...”

“Eh, change that” I said, looking at her

“Change it, why?” she raised her eyebrow

“Make it a princess.” I said smiling

“Chris does not want to hear princess stories.” she rolled her eyes.

“Oh, sure, I forgot the detai- ”

“Okay, then place a king...” I looked at Chris

“THAT! A king is great.” he said animated

“I am defeated..” she sighed “it's okay, let him be a king. ” she looked at me.. satisfied? It felt like it...

“Ok, this king had a lot of money and ran his entire palace...”

“Only the palace?” I interrupted her again “the king runs a whole country” I said and smiled

“Are you going to always interrupt my story?” she asked amused.

I shook my head and tried to keep quiet, but it is very complicated with the story that Lauren is trying to invent.

“Then one day, the kingdom was attacked by dinosaurs..” she counted, looking at Chris

I should have made a very strange face, because she stopped everything and looked at me.

“Talk.” she sighed “now what?”.

“Nothing, nothing, you can continue.”
I lied shamelessly, obviously she noticed

“Tell me Camila” she said, looking at me

“It's...” I began “dinosaurs Lauren?”
I looked at her. “You know, it's hard to imagine that...” I explained
“Why don't you change them for dragons?”

“Oh sure, dragons are easy to imagine.” she said with a sarcastic tone “at least the dinosaurs really existed...”

“Three hundred years ago, it's out of fashion.” I looked at Chris, who had fun with our little discussion

“Okay, let the pigs be dragons...” she gave up “now are you going to let me finish the story?”

I nodded, smiling. She continued counting, I interrupted three more times, sincerely, it is confirmed that Lauren does not know how to tell stories, that's why Chris ended up sleeping.

“Your story was so boring, that you made the boy sleep.” I said sarcasticallygetting up with Lauren.

“Well that was my objective.” she said and picked Chris up too.

“The next time I will tell the story.”
I left the room, being followed by Lauren.

“There was once a pretty princess that... blah, blah, blah.” she rolled her eyes, trying to imitate my voice “those stories are boring Camila.”

“They are not. ” I crossed my arms sayinh “they have princes, fights, fun” looked at her “they have dreams..”
I sighed

“You are very dreamy.” she said and leaned back against the wall in the hallway.

“I am.” admitted, “I think I better go. Goodnight!”

“Good night!” Lauren said, I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and ran to the room.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now