Chapter 56

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Camila's POV

I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I know that when I opened my eyes it was as if I hadn't slept for 2 hours.

I blinked several times, trying to force my vision into the soft ceiling of the room. I rubbed my eyes, yawned. Then I felt the arms of Lauren surrounding my body, in a relaxed way, as if I slept with her every day.

I looked at her face, serenely, I was caught in a deep sleep. It gave me a tenderness to look at her like that.

‘My God, how do I get out of here without waking her?’ I thought and I tried, very slowly, to remove her arms from my body, but as she did so, she brought her hands to her eyes, rubbed them, then stretched and opened them, sleepy.

“I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up” I said

“It doesn't matter...” she said with heavy voice “Hey, you're pretty in the morning... Much better than with that squirrel mask.” she praised lazily.

I blushed, for the first time in the day and it's still so early. fuck you

“Ok, go back to sleep...” I touched her eyes, closing them “you look more beautiful when you're qiuet”

“Enough praysing” she said and came into the game, watching me when I took my hands off her facec“did you sleep well?” she asked, sitting down, but then fell back again.

“Yes, I do.” -I smiled, trying to tie up my hair “but, I have to get up now...”

“Why? Tell me the truth, you don't have to do anything or lay down either...”

“Look, I'm thinking of at least five things we can do lying down...” she commented, her voice full of naughtiness.
I blushed, again “I was just playing, you don't have to blush” she spoke laughing

She sat on the bed, while raising her arms to stretch, made a gesture of pain. I got up suddenly to go help her, then I understood what she felt. My body was all sore due to the red areas that were in it.

“Eh we look like two old women..” I said

“I swear to you for my life that Keaton is going to pay for what she did to you” she said, her voice full of anger.

-“Lauren, forget about that, leave it”
I asked, looking at her-“he's dangerous, who knows what he can do next time...”

“ ”I'm sorry, Camila, but I'm not going to relax until I make him feel as much pain as the one that provoked us.“ ”

I sighed and denied, giving her a worried look.

Lauren is beside herself.

We went down for breakfast, then we realized that it was already past noon.

After that the afternoon passed quickly, when Taylor returned home Lauren left, God knows where she went, I could only stay home praying that she won't do anything bad.

The night fell, it was past one in the morning and she haven't cams back yet. Clara tried in a thousand ways to contact her. When the telephone rang.

Michael answered, turned white when he heard whatever he was told.
His hands trembled.

“For God's sake, what happened?“ ” Clara asked desperately, seeing the state in which her husband had just cut

“It was the police” Michael said and sat down “Lauren... she” he murmured
he swallowed dry, apprehensive
“she was found unconscious in a corner”
I had to sit down “it seems that she was beaten” he said with a trembling voice “and they gave her a shot, in the arm, I think...” he said confused

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now