Chapter 94

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Lauren's POV

While the music left her lips I disconnected myself from everything around me, even from the insistent burning in my throat.

Now that I find my port,
now I find your fierce doubt

Now I show you where I come from
and what I have made my heart

She continued

I come from the air, that dried your skin, my love she sang and increased a bit the intonation and the rhythm

I am the street, where you found him
don't compare me,
I went down to earth in a brush for you

She raised her eyes, looking at me finishimg, smiling.
"I left it there" she said and took away her eyes "I know it's not very..."

"Your song is very beautiful.." I praised, even anesthetized "we have been under the same roof for months and I didn't even know that you wrote songs" I said upset
"What else I do not know about you?"

"I don't write songs"she said and shook her head "I just wrote and that and I did not even finish it..." she said and sighed
"hm, well, I cry a lot" she continued, looking at me

"Anything else?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, my life isn't so full of adventures" she said and rossed her arms "I don't have much to tell."

" After the trip you will have.." I said and looked at her.

"Of course I will... This exchange has given me stories that I am sure I will tell my grandchildren.." she said

When I realized I was already self-correcting her mentally.
Our grandchildren, my mind said but
I shook my head, hoping to frighten away the thoughts.

In less than a month ago the idea of ​​having a girlfriend caused me a stomachache. Today I am thinking of grandchildren. What's my problem? Camila snapped her fingers in my face. Ok, one of my problems is that mania deviajar while people talk.

"Yes?" I asked and saw her, returning to me

"You had a funny face" she said laughing

"Maybe a thoughtful face?" I said back

"Hm, almost... " she said nd closed an eye
"you were more like an insane person..."

"Thanks for such nice words"I said ironically

"When you need them you just have to ask for them..." she said and winked, pulling her hair back "Anyway, I asked you if you played..." she pointed at the guitar

"I did" I said and sighed
"But since..." I made gestures with my hands "before I started using... "
I bit my lips, she nodded, affirming that she had understood " I stopped playing and writing songs."

"You wrote songs?" her eyes magnified,surprised.

"Obviously" I said and looked at her
"I had a small garage band that never left the garage, but that's just a detail.."

"Can you sing to me?" she asked

" I don't remember you know.." I said and breathed deeply "a long time ago I left that..." she I understood that the time is the same since I started using drugs

"Can try to guess why you decided to use drugs?" she asked and I nodded.
That can be interesting..

"Love disappointment?" she asked

"Not" I said and shook my head

"Family problems?" she asked

"Either" I said again

"Death of someone you loved?"she asked

"You are far" I said

"To bee accepted?" she saw me on the side

"Hm, not exactly" I said

"I give up, then" she said and crossed her arms.

I shook my head, finding fun as it surrenders so easily. I feel good talking to her about drugs. Only with her. Another feat. Camila doesn't judge me and didn't leave because of disgust or fear for what I became. But I still don't think it's time to talk about what led me to get to the state

I'm in today. That's why I changed the subject of conversation as soon as I saw her eyes fall, accusing her that she was sleepy.

"What if I take some medicine to sleep? You think it will help me?"I asked, for fear that when she is asleep I won't intend to go after my addiction.

"It's fine" she said and got up, taking me with her "you will come with me" she informed

"Nice" I teased, hugging her from behind, when she turned around. I smelled her neck making her tremble

She shivered and gave me a soft tap, laughing. We went for the remedy.
Thank God, it wasn't taking a long time to take effect.

I slept with Camila in my arms, feeling her weight secure me. Her perfume made me calm down. And the love I made in my abdomen made me forget about the world.

And once again I stopped going to a party to stay with her. Amazing. I felt guilty to see her fight against sleep. I sighed.

Camila's POV

I can't say that that night she enters the best I had, but what she meant leaves her in a very good place. Lauren's strength, the desire I saw in her not to surrender ... victory. The next day was based on tranquilizers and others, thank God, was fine again. I know that she isn't cured,
far from that, but one step at a time.

The weekend Lauren came with a plan to take me out to eat, I accepted, it's always good to have a moment alone with her.
I was getting ready when, under the door, passed a folded paper, my first thought was no longer want to go, but, the note said exactly the opposite.

"Love, I'm hanging on to you."

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, I took one last retouched and I went down. Lauren was at the door, the air was missing when I saw her. I was just perfect.

"Madame" she said and indicated the door, for me to go out first, I laughed and I did it.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to ruin the surprise" she said and looked at me, then she took a black clothe from her bag,
I made a face, ready to protest
"please, let me do this" she asked and I nodded

She put the bandage on my eyes, guided me to the car and then I felt it moving. Curiosity was leaving me nervous.

And anxious.

In some moments her hand touched mine, delicately, showing me that she was still there and that there was nothing to worry about. And, magically, I managed to relax.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now