Chapter 84

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Lauren's POV

My heart beat harder when I heared the words she said, my sleep magically disappeared, also, I was never before so awake. I never wanted to be.

I looked at her face, cursing myself for not having recorded the exact moment when her lips said such words.

My love ”, oh my fucking God, she really said it, I'm not going crazy. The first thing I wanted was to take her from her neck, kiss her and make her mine in the middle of the corridor. I love her, just that.

But I knew it was imprudent and the shock caused by the fact that I didn't expect her to say something like that left me without reaction. Her face remained the usual color for those situations, red, which accused that the words said were just a way of talking, like everyone else...
or I'm still half asleep and I'm traveling.

She opened her lips to say something and I already knew what would follow, obviously the seconds I was silent made her think that I didn't like what she said or even heard.

“I'm sorry” bingo! I knew it “it was unintentional” she said and I look at her confused

“No, don't say that...” I said and placed my finger on her lips. Her confusion increased considerably “just...” I tried to explain.
“let me know that what you said came from here” I said and placed my hand over her heart, to show her.

Camila's POV

The moment she said the sentence I felt the urge to throw myself into her arms and assault her lips with mine, in less than a blink, my mind processed the whole act.

My arms wrapped around her neck, our lips together, my legs wrapped around her waist... risky, but I don't doubt it, it was extremely appetizing.

I endured. And only God knows the strength I had to do to keep me there doing nothing. Lauren was waiting for an answer that I didn't have. For a question she didn't ask. I didn't know what to say.

“I ...” she clearwd her throat, nervous
“I'll take your advice and go to sleep” she stood up, stretching her hand for me to do the same.

So I held an electric current through my body, whoever saw it on the outside, would surely notice the sparks that came out of our eyes while we looked at each other.
She went to her room.

“WAKE UP!” I yelled at Taylor. I needed someone with me, I was very hyperactive.

I opened the curtains leaving the sunlight to enter, she raised the blanket up to her head while complaining.

“Don't you” she muttered “bitch, you and my sister seem to accomplie each other, since since yesterday you are interrupting my sleepm” she said everything with a hoarse voice, but not brave
“Certainly I was joking.. I'm a monster when I don't sleep for nine hours straight.”

“I will guide the monster” I said say, sitting

“I will get up under two conditions.” she said a little louder.
“First, close the fucking curtains.” she demanded, “and second, go to Lauren's room and bring me the player she took.” she said and sighed “I need music.”

I accepted the conditions, since both would end up distracting me. I entered step by step, seeing that she was sleeping in a deep sleep.

On the radio there was a paper that I quickly took along with the rush to get out of there without waking her up. My curiosity got biggrr when I was one step away from having left the room I began to read.

“Tell me a repeated story...
any of those when I was a child, sent me to cut my hair and comb it, complain that I did everything wrong and that you only want my good... tell everybody that I am yours, you can say that I am the prettiest. But the most important thing:
tell me everything will be fine...”

My eyes filled with tears when I quickly understood those words. Anyone can see to whom they were directed. I went back nervously to the room, where Taylor was already standing, with the curtains closed, I turned on the light without pain or mercy and ignored the claims of the person next to me.

“Read this” I said instantly, handing her the note said took it to read it

“Where did you get this?”she asked and looked at me, confused.

“Your sister's room...”
I returned to look at her “Taylor, do you realize that all she wants is attention from Clara and Michael?” I tried to explain in a tender voice

“But..” she murmured “that doesn't make sense.”

“Sometimes all we need is to listen to one of our parents, she wants limits Taylor, she wants attention.” I couldn't control my emotios “She wants to be noticed, to get love, to know that someone worries about her” I said and breathed deeply“she wants help. Just that...”

“Mila, this is very serious she said and  sat on the bed, confused “why doesn't that paper say it?” she looked at me “she is such a woman for some things and such a girl for others...”

“She wants you to pay attention, Taylor..” I sat next to her “shr wants you to see that she needs help, without saying anything.”

“It's written all over her face that she needs help” she said and sighed, still looking at the paper in her hands.

“Then why don't your parents talk to her?” I dared to ask

“I think they don't want to see the problem” she shrugged “they are ignorig that....”

“And while they ignore that, your sister kills herself day after day.” I said

A silence settled after that, I took the paper from her hands and went to leave it where it was. I left it on Lauren's dresser where the player was before and approached her bed, I crouched down beside her, watching her.

‘I'm going to help you, you're going to get out of this with me.’ I promised, in my mind.

Later that day, I was sitting on the couch, idly looking out the window when I heard the phone, Clara, who was passing by, answered and called Lauren, who came down with slow steps, still sleepy.

What I got to understand it was that she had to to leave. I didn't resist the urge to close my eyes and murmur once again.
I crossed my fingers next to my body, wishing she would deny the invitation.
What in fact, didn't happen.

It is as they say;
If you can't win your enemies, join them. At ten o'clock,she would leave,
And I was ready at the door to go with her.



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