Chapter 131

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Camila's POV

Things around here are strange. I haven't got used to the schedules, that's why the days when I don't sleep until noon are rare.

Everyone seems to want to tell me something, leaving me completely confused.

“So, have not you talked to your girl anymore?” Marielle asked, from my bed where I was laying.

“She is not my girl!” I answered between clenched teeth, folding some T-shirts.

“Then can she be mine?” Robert teased “Let's be serious, she's cute the way she is, I accept her even with the drug pouch.”

“Robert!” I said bothered

“What?” she looked at me “I'm being honest” and shrugged.

Sandra entered the room eating a piece of cake that she had gone to look for in the kitchen.

“You know, I think you should talk to her..” Sandra said and sat in the computer chair “since you got only that you know how to talk” she said and took a bite of the cake.

“Shut up Sandra, you look prettier with your mouth full” I answered “I bet that she must have continued with her life”
I held my hair in a bun badly done to continue organizing my wardrobe.

“Or maybe not, how do you know and why are you so sure?” Marielle asked.
“you haven't even asked Tro about her”

“Taylor...” I corrected.

“Whatever” she yawned “don't you miss her? don't you miss that half-hoarse voice that I heard on the phone? the smiles of the photos? her eyes” she asked

I threw the shirt that I held the floor, hard.

“It's obvious that I miss all that..” I said and turned around “I clung to Lauren, I miss every little detail of her. The jokes, the words, the kisses...” I said, thinking “...everything.”

“Then my friend...”Marielle said and got up, approaching me “you seek to know what she does now” she said and took my shoulder “to remove that wrinkle of worry that's between your eyebrows”

Breath deeply. I hate to know that she is right. And I hate that ability that she has to know me so well.

I shot Sandra and her cake from the front of the computer and opened it, I went online, determined to write to Taylor and kill my curiosity.


To: Taylor

From: Camila

Subject: Hi!



I urgently need you to answer this email,
it's serious, answer before you get another, talking about other things.
Oh, and promise me you won't say any of this to Lauren.

Don't even tell her I mentioned her name.
I want to know how your sister is.

Only that for today.

I miss you and love you."

I couldn't say much, because I don't even know if Taylor discovered that Lauren went back to using drugs. If she had the courage to tell.

“Just that?” she asked  “you ask a simple ‘how is your sister?’ ”

“I don't want to seem very worried” -I turned off the monitor “and don't start, it was so I wouldn't have sent that email.”

At night, when I was alone, I noticed that Taylor had already answered me.


From: Taylor

To: Camila

Subject: Hi! , Hi!

Dear Camila, I forgot to tell you, I missed you so much, I didn't want to waste my time talking about this.

Lauren returned to drugs.
I don't know exactly when, or why.
But she went back to the rehab center. Only, partly I'm proud of her, because she went inside alone. Did you knew?
Se left a letter warning that she had already left. So simply. I think now things will return to their place.

I miss you too and love you more.

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now