Chapter 6

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I got bored with the ice cream and threw it in the first trash can I saw, when Taylor and Drew arrived, Alexa and Luis (who had already returned from the trip) were so entertained in a conversation they had and they didn't even notice we were there again. Until Lauren made a noise so that they would notice our presence.

“Let's go now.” she said without any humor “this trip is over”. She shot me a look, which I ignored.

The 4 were talking all the way back home, until we arrived and Lauren went straight to her car.

“ Where are you going? “ Taylor asked, facing Lauren.

“You don't care.” she replied in a bossy voice. “Now get out of here.”

“You're going to go find those idiots, right?” she asked with a bitterness in her voice.

“And if so, what?” Lauren said, challenging her.

“Fuck you!” Taylor told her and and left pulling my hand to go with her inside the house.

After dinner Chris sat on my lap, while we all talked and ended up falling asleep, I smiled remembering Sofi.

Michael picked him up, took him to his room, Clara went with them, leaving only Tay and me at the table.

We went to the living room to see a movie and she ended up falling asleep in the middle of it, I stayed until the end and after that I ended up watching another one that I found, it was about 3 o'clock in the morning when a sound at the door.

It caught my attention, I raised my eyes to see what it was. When I saw that it was Lauren, I opened it. She was finding it difficult to put the key in the lock.

“I do not think so.” I shook my head, not knowing if he was laughing or crying.

Lauren was wearing a torn shirt, small eyes and did not dare to open her mouth, could not even walk in a straight line.

“Come here, Lauren.” I went to her, trying to help her.

But it is logical that she would refuse, stretched her arm trying to hold on the couch.

“Do not be an idiot.” I took her  arm, placing it on my shoulder.
“Okay, you're going to have to help me.”
I asked, in vain I know, Lauren does not even know her name at this moment.

When I tried to climb the stairs with Lauren, I started to laugh under my breath, it's depressing to leave Mexico to come to Miami to take care of a drunk.

I would tell them but, nobody would believe me. After a long time struggling to take her to her room, I finally got her, I put her in a sitting position on the bed. She's half asleep, so I think it's impossible that she's seeing me right now.

“You must have finished with the whole place where you went to drink.“” I said, knowing that she wouldn't answer me. “Thank God Clara haven't seen this today,” I sighed, thinking of how tough it must be for her to see her daughter constantly like this. “And now what do I do with you?”
I asked myself.

I did not need to think much, Lauren layed down on the bed and in a short time she fell into a heavy sleep.

I left the room early and went to wake Taylor to go to sleep in her bed, she complained a little when I did, but I ended up going completely asleep. I stayed around in bed, the scene that I just witnessed made me think a lot, Lauren is the kind of person who has everything and behaves that way, without reason, which is worse.

I ended up falling asleep, the next day I woke up at 10am with the help of the alarm clock, I went down, finding only Clara sitting in the living room.

“Good morning!” I said, smiling.

“Good morning, dear!” Clara said returning a smile “you woke up early”.

“It's not that early” I sat next to her “Where is Taylor?”

“She went for a walk.” Clara informed me
“she leaves very early.”

“ ”Okay I'm going to start getting up early to go with her to walk. “ ”I said smiling.

Clara asked me if I wanted something to eat, I accepted, I had coffee in her company, she just sat there not to leave me alone, half an hour later Taylor arrived agitated, she sent me a kiss in the air, she announced that she would take a bath because she felt dirty and sweaty. As she climbed the stairs, Lauren came down with the usual face of little encouragement.

“Mom, do you have any remedy?” she asked, before saying good morning.

“A remedy for what, Lauren?” Clara asked.

“For anything, everything hurts.” she threw herself on the couch “it hurts... everything hurts. ”

“Obviously...”I murmured low, she faced me, giving me a look like asking what I said, and I pretended it was not with me.

“Did you say something?” Lauren asked.

“I didn't.” I replied, smiling.

“Hm ... How did I get to my room last night?” She asked Clara, as she brought a medicine and a glass of water.
“I did not see you arrive.” she said, returning to the kitchen

“Do you know?” Lauren asked.

“No, I don't know.” I answered, getting up

“Are you sure?” Lauren said raising an eyebrow, looking at me.

“I am!” I said, leaving the room.

I went upstairs to get rid of that matter,
I felt Lauren looking at me. I got to the up to our bedroom and heard the bathroom shower open.

“Do use all the water that's in the world.”
I played, throwing myself in bed.

“Do not fuck with me.” She answered, laughing.

I gave a few laughs and I kept looking at the ceiling, in that I decided to open my notebook and send an email to Sandra, the first since I arrived.


To: Sandra <>

From: Camila <>

Subject: I miss you.          ________________________________



You have no idea how nice it is here, I'm in love with this place.

My “sister” is very kind and we are getting along super well, I would like to introduce you to her.

My other older “sister” is very problematic, really, I need to tell you all that, but I have to be more calm, she has a laaaaaarge history. Well, everything is going great here, despite the immense nostalgia...

And how are you?

Give Mari a kiss and tell her I miss her craziness. This trip could only be better with the two of you here with me.
I will send you more news soon. I love you!



I closed my notebook and when I looked around the room, I found Lauren standing at the door or she was forbidden to come to Taylor's room or she just loves being next to the door.                     

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