Chapter 4

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“Ay Camila, sorry for that, but that girl really makes me very angry.”Taylor said, calmer than before
“It's alright, it's sisterly things.” I said trying not to show how scared I was.
After the incident in the kitchen, the weather was not the best between Taylor and Lauren, at lunch, Clara was a bit exalted, that's why Michael and Chris spent talking to me all the time and making jokes, making me feel better.
“I'm going out today! Lauren informed,” pushing away her already empty plate.               

“Again, Lauren?” Clara asked in a tired voice, she just nodded.
I find a crime what Lauren is doing with Clara, I have never raised my voice to my mother...
“The house is better without her.” Taylor commented, and Clara just gave her a look that silenced her.
“Thanks for that demonstration of love!” Lauren said, somehow sarcastic.
“Are you guys playing again?” Chris asked in a very childish way, which ended up making everyone laugh.
“No, it's just a joke.” Taylor said and touched Lauren's shoulder, which made her smile.                

For the first time, a sincere smile.

I realized that both Taylor and Lauren, don't like ot when Chris sad and that's why they did all that "stage", the little one as he didn't understand much, ended up believing in that deception.

After lunch ended, we stayed a while longer talking at the table, the only one who went to her room was Lauren, which was to be expected.

“The weather is a bit cold today.” I said, running my hands over my arms to get a little warm.

“You're not used to this weather yet, put on a coat dear.” she smiled at me sympathetically.

I nodded and asked for permission, going to get a coat in my suitcase, which was still in a corner in Taylor's room.

I knelt in front of her and began to rummage through the clothes, looking for my coat.
“Are you looking for something?” Lauren asked suddenly, making me jump slightly.
“Yes, a coat.” I answered, recomposing myself.

“With this heat?” She raised one of his eyebrows.
“The climate here is very different.”
I answered, already standing, waiting for her to leave so I could go back to look in my suitcase.
“Yes, that's true”She shrugged, still staying at the door.
“Do you want something” I asked sympathetically.
“For the moment?” she asked and I nodded.

“No.” she said.
“So?..” I asked facing her.
“Do you want me to come out?” She asked.
“No, is not that.”

“Ok, if that's it, but I better keep quiet.”
“ I - just do not know what you're doing by standing there.” I smiled to being a little kind, but she didn't smiled back.
“Is your hair dyed?” she asked, ignoring what I had said before.
“No, it is not. Why?” I looked at my hair in the mirror.
“Because they say blondes are stupid, and I thought it was true, until I found out that you're stupid and you have brown hair” she said and shrugged.
“I think I missed the joke.”
“Half an hour ago you're looking for a coat and it has been on the bed all this time.” she indicated it with the head.      

I followed her signal and looked, then I blushed a little, the coat really was on the bed.
“Oh, I ..” I kept looking at the coat...
“I hadn't seen it.” I smiled, a little shy.

“Yes, I noticed.” she said and broke off from the door. “Well, I already did my good thing of the day.”
“Yes, thanks for that.” I said, putting on my coat.
When I went to the door, I noticed that Lauren was standing infront of me, leaving me imprisoned in the room.
“Excuse me?” I asked, pulling up my coat sleeves.

“Your eyes colour are chocolate..” she said, as if she were discovering America.
“Don't tell me.” I said, a little ironic.
“Ah, the Mexican knows how to be ironic.” she said and crossed her arms, looking at me.
‘So is...the Mexican also knows how to kick, so for your own good, it would be good to come out in front of the door.’ I wanted to say but I kept it in my thoughts.
At that time Taylor came.
“It had to be you, I knew that she getting late had something to do with you.” She spoke to Lauren, pushing it her in front of the door.

“Did she bothered you a lot?”
“No, not at all it's alright.” I said sympathetically, smiling. “It's all good.”
“I was watching, I'm not such a bad person.” she smiled victoriously.
“You are the worst person in the universe, Jauregui.” Taylor said, taking my hand leading me out of the room.

“Do not bother Camila again, I don't want her to leave because of you.” giving her a warning look while taking me back to the living room.

We sat there and we talked for a while,
I told her a little about Mexico and I remembered the gifts I had brought,
but I didn't want to go back up there now.

 “And do you have a lover in Mexico, dear?” Clara asked, smiling.
“Mom! Do not be stuck..”
“It does not matter Taylor.”
I said laughing.
“No aunt, I do not have any lovers.”

“Taylor is already doing some coquetry.” she said, making me look at her and she just rolled her eyes.
“I'm not doing anything.” Taylor argued
“It is clear that yes. You can admit it, your dad is not right now.” she said a little amused, making me laugh.
“Clara, calm down.” Taylor said irritably.
“Mila, she was born that way with premenstrual pain, get ready to take it.” Clara said and smiled.
“No, everything is fine. One of my best friends is also like that.”I teased, Taylor who just hit me with a pillow, laughing.
At that moment Lauren came down the stairs, arriving behind Clara, who was on the sofa, while Taylor and I sat on the floor, on pillows.
“Do you want something, my daughter?” Clara asked, when she placed her hand on her shoulder.
“Alexa and Luis are coming” she informed. “and Drew, too.”

Clara glanced at Taylor, which made me understand what we talked about earlier.

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