Chapter 42

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Camila's POV

A few minutes passed before I realized that Lauren was crying and that only caused me to start trembling even more.

Millions of things went through my mind, from the craziness of my family, to the constant fights with Lauren.

As much as this was immense, I couldn't get away from her, it seemed that everything in her attracted me, from her perfume, to the strong hug she gave me which was so comforting.

I feel safe at her side, in a disgusting and senseless way, but when she is near it seems that nothing bad can happen to me.

Without strength to continue crying,
I managed to stop her, I moved away from her a little, seeing her face.

Those greenish eyes bathed in tears, her face wet. She was still a human I touched her face, drying the small crystalline drops that were still falling, Lauren turned her face and kissed my hand, and I took a deep breath.

"You know, I shouldn't let you get close to me..." I said with a slightly hoarse voice
"Not after yesterday... But I needed someone tonight and well, you were the only person available..."Lauren looked at me with a confused expression
"and just so I make it clear that I haven't forgiven you one hundred percent." I said

Lauren shook her head and I could see a smile on her lips, threatening to escape, but she didn't leave it.

"It's fine..." She said and wiped her face with the side of her hand "come, let's go to my room.." she got up, and I did the same thing "I don't know where Taylor keeps her things here so it's better to go there."
She explained, her voice calm but at the same time heavy with the fact that sh was crying recently and I just nodded.

Lauren's POV

We went quietly to my room, and I dried my face with my hands on our way.
I sobbed once and took a deep breath.

When we got in , Camila settled into my bed, quickly. For a moment I was looking at her and it seemed that she was part of this place. In a strange and meaningless way.

"Hey.." She snapped her fingers on my face "wake up" she laughed

"Hm? Did you say something?" I asked

"I asked what are we going to do?" she said

"Oh.." I said and sat on the end of the bed
"I don't know."

"Well Lauren, you always have the best ideas." she said

"Well I know how to punish sarcastic people..." I answered

I looked at her, with a threatening look, and Camila at that second stopped laughing and took a pillow to protect herself, before I moved.

In a matter of seconds I collapsed on the bed, pulling the pillow from her hands and tickling her. She writhed on the bed, laughing non stop trying, in vain, to get out of my hands. I discovered, at that moment, that I really like her laughter.

So I continued to make her laugh, until I noticed her red face, I stopped. Letting her breathe.

"You..." she began to say panting, "you're going to pay for what you did" she said in a single breath, placing her hand over her heart.

Camila's POV

I looked for a good thing to get Lauren pay for making me almost out of breath but I didn't find any. And biggest problem of that part, was the fact that she distracted me a lot.

"Nah Camila, you're just lucky" she said and released the card she was holding on her bed

"No I'm not lucky..I'm very good." I said and smiled victoriously

It was the second consecutive time that I beat Lauren in the card game she said we should play.

"Don't start with that, it's just beginner's luck. Let's see who wins this time." she challenged me, dividing the cards

"We're going to see that Lauren, let's play... if I win what won?" I asked

"What did you said?" she asked and turned her gaze from the cards to me.

"" "What you listen to, what will you give me if I win?" " "I asked again

"Hmm, if you win I'll do whatever you ask me to... but only for today, making it clear." she said

"Nice..." I said "and if you win, which I think is very difficult to happen, I do what you want too." she nodded.

The game almost lasted 7 minutes.

"HAAAA I COMPLETED IT" I said and putted the cards on the bed, turned towards her "I WON!"

"How the fuck?! You're cheating, that's the only way you could win" she said

"Don't start with that" I said and showed her my tongue "Very nice Miss Jauregui... Let me see what I want..."

"Shit, I fucked up.." she said

"Exactly, you fucked up." I said and made an evil laugh. Or I tried to...

"I won't ask you for anything else..." I said, looking at her eyes "I want you to smile".

"You want me to what?" she asked

"I want you to smile" I repeated, more slowly

"Let me see if I understood, you could have asked me for anything you wanted me to do for you, all night if you wanted, but you ask me to smile?" she asked with one eyebrow raised

"It's the same for me..." I answered

The exchange (camren) English Version Where stories live. Discover now