- Chapter Two -

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Today was the first day of tenth grade. Summer break was over. Well, at least I'll get to see Sophie again. I thought to myself. The last time I saw her was almost three months ago at the pool party. 

"Keefe, you ready?" asked my mom.

"Yeah. Bye guys." I called to my parents, as I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. I didn't wait for them to say bye back. I knew they wouldn't.

I ran to the end of the block, where my best friend, Fitz, was waiting with his sister, Biana, in the back row of their SUV.

"Hey Keefe, you ready for school." called Fitz, opening the car door for me.

"When am I ever." I said, hopping into the seat and putting my backpack on the floor.

"Thanks for letting me carpool with you guys, Della." I said to Fitz's mom.

"No, problem. You're like family to us." she responded before starting the car again.

As the scenery outside the car became blurred, I asked Fitz, "Do you want to do something later today?"

"How about we go over to my house? I can also invite Wylie, Tam, and Dex, and Biana can invite her friends too." responded Fitz.

"Ugh. Bangs Boy." I replied jokingly.

"Oh, come on Keefe. He's not that bad." said Fitz, nudging me playfully.

"If you say so Fitzroy." I responded just as we started to approach the school.

"By guys, have fun." said Della before Fitz, Biana, and I jumped out of the car and walked towards the school.

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