~ Chapter Three ~

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As the bell rang, I grabbed my materials and headed to my next class. "Hey, Sophie. Over here!" yelled a voice. I moved to the side of the hallway as Biana came running up to me. 

"Yeah." I responded as she took a second to catch her breath.

"Do you want to come over to my house after school today? Tam, Keefe, Linh, Wylie, and Dex are also coming." she said.

"Sure. But I'll have to tell my parents." I replied, pulling out my phone and sending a quick text to my parents before I kept walking towards my next class.

Suddenly, I walked right into somebody. "Woah, Foster. You should watch where you're going." said a male voice. Keefe. 

"Sorry." I mumbled, trying to keep my cheeks from getting tomato red.

"You here for advanced math?" he asked.

"What? Oh, math, yeah." I responded, mentally smacking myself for flustering over a simple yes or no question.

Well I guess that meant that Keefe was in this class too, since he was standing right outside the door, like me. I don't really know why I'm surprised. I mean, Keefe's always been smart, just unwilling to give the necessary effort.

My chain of thoughts was then disrupted by the sound of a door opening. "Welcome to class, students. You may find a seat." said the teacher, holding the door open for the students filing in.

As I entered the classroom, I made a beeline for a seat in the front row since I knew Keefe would never want to sit near the teacher, and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of my crush anymore today. 

"Hey Foster." said Keefe, sliding into the seat next to me. So much for my plan. I thought. 

"These seats will be your permanent seats for the year, unless I make adjustments." said our teacher.

Great. I thought. I'm in for a year of teasing and taunting from the one and only, Keefe Sencen.

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