~ Chapter Nine ~

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Throughout the rest of the week it was impossible to forget about the upcoming homecoming dance next week. It seemed like everyone had a date, except for me of course. Linh and Wylie were going together, after an interrogation from Tam. And even Dex and Marella had decided to go to the dance together. Fitz also had a date, which was a girl that I barely knew. And of course, Tam and Biana were going together. The only thing that gave me hope was that Keefe didn't have a date yet. There were several girls that would love to go with him, and have even asked him to go with them, but he's rejected every single one of them.

"Sophie, don't forget my mom and I are going to pick you and Linh up to go shopping tomorrow." said Biana, walking up to my side in the hall.

"How could I forget? You've been texting me pictures of dresses since you saw the homecoming flyers." I responded playfully.

"Well I guess I have been a little..eager." replied Biana.

"A little?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Okay, no more dress pictures." said Biana as my phone buzzed. When I pulled it out, I got a notification that Biana had sent me a picture. Of a dress.

"Starting now." added Biana before rushing off to her class. As I rolled my eyes, I put my phone away and continued to my next classroom.

During the rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about Keefe. I tried to hide it, but every once in a while, I would sneak small glances of him. And I still had one question that's been sitting in my mind for years: Did he like me back? 

"Hey, Foster. Can I ask you something?" said a voice behind me.

"Keefe?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's me." responded Keefe, as I turned around to face him.

"What did you need to ask me?" I replied.

"Um, well." he said nervously.

"W-would y-you, um, liketogotohomecomingwithme?" he blurted out.

"Uh, sorry I didn't catch that." I responded, wondering what he said.

"Um, I said would you, um, be okay with me borrowing your book?" he replied tenatively.

"Sure?" I responded, wondering if that's what he actually said before.

"Well, bye, I got to get to class." I added, walking to my classroom.

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