~ Chapter Seven ~

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The first two weeks of tenth grade flew by quickly. All of the teachers started piling homework onto us after the first day. With all of the assignments the teachers have been giving us, I'm surprised that Tam and Biana have time to hang out practically everyday. Only two weeks ago I thought she had a crush on Keefe, but every time I saw Biana with Tam, I knew that couldn't be possible. The way her eyes lit up every time she saw him and the way she'd lean on him like it was no big deal couldn't be achieved if it was anything but love.

To bad I would never have a relationship like that with Keefe. I thought jealously. As much as it pained me to admit, I wish I had what Tam and Biana had. A relationship that made both of their lives better, gave them someone they could trust, and a relationship that made them wonder how they managed to live without the other for so long.

I wish I could just get over my stupid crush already. I thought, wondering how I could still have a crush on him. It's just a waste of my time. I mean, all the time I spend thinking about him, all the time I spend making up scenarios where I would get to spend time with him, is time that I could be doing something productive with. I could talk to Linh and Biana. I thought. But what if they made fun of me? I thought as my head filled with unrealistic "what ifs".

"Bye Dad. Love you." I said to my dad, Grady, as he kissed my cheek and I hopped out of the car.

As my dad's car pulled out of the school drop-off zone, I started walking towards the school when I noticed flyers pinned up on the school wall. When I walked closer, I realized that they were advertising a school homecoming dance for next week. As I sighed, I thought about how Keefe would never ask a nerd like me to a dance. He was one of the "popular" guys and the only reason that we ever talk is because he's Biana's friend.

Well, enough feeling sorry for myself, I should probably get to class. I thought. As a started walking to my first class, I saw Tam and Biana walking hand-in-hand and all I could think about was how much I wanted a relationship like that.

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