~ Chapter Twenty-One ~

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Dedicated to @miyuthefangirl , my fellow Sokeefe shipper because you're always there for me when I need it.

I stared at myself in the mirror, for the girl staring back did not look like me at all. Somehow, Biana had convinced me to get an off the shoulder red dress that came to about my knees, which was something I would've never picked out by myself. Yet I did have to admit that I looked way better following Biana's advice than if I'd gone with what I wanted. But I still wouldn't let her touch my hair.

"Come on, Sophie, pleaseeeee," begged Biana, her and Linh both staring at me with their beautifully styled hair.

"Hey, I already used the hairclip," I protested, pointing to the red flower clip pinning the left side of my hair behind my ear.

"What if I just curl it, just a little, like Linh's hair?" asked Biana, jumping up and down like an ecstatic puppy.

"I bet ringlets would look great on you!" exclaimed Linh, looking jsut as excited as Biana.

"I could never pull them off like you, Linh, and besides, Biana, you already dumped 5 bajillion pounds of hair products on my head, so I think I'm good." I replied, my tone hinting that that was my final desicion.

"Fine, but you can't get out of makeup!" Biana declared, her expression going from a pout to a smile.

"Don't worry, I know I can't," I said with a smile.

"Hey guys, Della has snacks for us!" Linh said giddily, since Della's homemade desserts were known to be the best things ever created.

"Eat up, because I don't want you guys to ruin your makeup after I put it on," Biana said, following Linh and I downstairs towards the kitchen. Biana's words barely registered in my mind as the smell of sugar wafted up from the kitchen.

I heard Biana sigh as Linh and I scrambled to get first pick of the pastries.


"Stay still," Biana instructed as she brushed a pink powder across my cheekbones. a/n i'm sorry for my horrible makeup descriptions, but remember, i'm the person that tried to give myself a black eye with makeup (and now that i actually have a black eye, i realized what i did wrong)

"I'm trying," I mumbled as Biana shushed me, putting something called highlighter on my face.

"Ooh, Sophie! You look so pretty!" exclaimed Linh, looking at me with silvery-blue eyes. Biana had settled on a dark glittery blue-gray eyeshadow to bring out the silver flecks in Linh's eyes. Linh also had highlighter applied to her rosy cheeks, bringing out her elegant cheekbones.

"There we go, you're done!" said Biana, clapping her hands together as I looked at myself in the mirror. Biana really was a makeup genius. My eyeshadow was a pinkish-tan color with gold glitter that made my brown eyes pop and brought out the gold specks in them. Biana had also used blush and lipstick that was a nude pink color, which totally fit her simple taste.

"I used neutral colors, since I figured you'd like a simple look-" Sophie cut Biana off with a hug as she said, "Thank you, I don't know what I would've done if it weren't for you."

"No problem, and I'm sure Keefe will notice you tonight," she replied with a smirk as Sophie turned pink and gave Biana a playful shove.

"Anyways, time to do my own makeup," Biana declared, as she grabbed Linh and her makeup and sat down in front of her vanity. Their conversation about what Biana should use was quickly blocked out by my mind and replaced with thoughts of him.

I know I haven't updated for a LONG time, and it's just because I don't really have the time, and I've kind of lost my inspiration for this, and since this fanfic is pretty much at the end, I'll end this story in 2-4 more chapters. Anyways, I know I haven't thanked my readers enough, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 10K READS!!! I never expected this fanfic to take off like this, I just got the idea to channel my emotions towards my elementary school crush into a story, and apparently having an inspiration really helps. So thank you guys for always being understanding and supporting me!

- Harper

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