- Chapter Six -

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Whoops. I thought, hoping that the girls were kind enough to not kill us after what we're about to do. 

"What are you guys doing?" asked Biana in a stern tone.

"Uhhh, nothing." all the boys said, except for Tam.

"Obviously, it's not nothing." responded Biana, gesturing to the four of us holding onto Tam.

"It's a long story." I replied, since it was true. Basically, what happened was that we all had to say who our crushes were, and since Tam was the first to go, he told us that his crush was Biana. So now we're all dragging him down to Biana's room to ask her out. Except we forgot that Tam can be was very...determined to get what he wants, and so now a vase is broken and all of the boys, including me, now have several bruises.

"Well, are you going to tell us?" asked Biana, obviously annoyed.

"Go on Bangs Boy." I said, nudging Tam.

"Fine." Tam mumbled grumpily. As all the boys released Tam, he walked up to Biana and nervously wrung his hands for a few seconds.

"Um, do you want to go out sometime, w-with me?" he asked tentatively. 

"L-like a date?" asked Biana, her expression softening.

"Yeah?" responded Tam nervously.

"S-s-sure." replied Biana, blushing.

"G-great. I'll text you to make plans." said Tam, trying to hide his pink cheeks behind his bangs.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!" blurted Linh, squealing and making Tam and Biana turn an even deeper shade of pink.

"How about we meet downstairs for a snack in five minutes. I think Bangs Boy needs some time to recover." I said. As Tam glared at me, everyone else nodded their heads in agreement. The boys and I went back to Fitz's room while the girls went back into Biana's room.

As soon as we entered Fitz's room and the door was closed, we all tackled Tam and congratulated him.

"Nice job, Bangs Boy." I said, slapping his back, which earned me a glare that was practically shooting daggers at me.

"Come on, loosen up." I replied, as Tam's expression softened and he mumbled a quick thanks.

As we heard giggles and footsteps Fitz said, "I think the girls are going downstairs to the kitchen. We should probably start going now." 

"Yeah. Let's go guys." replied Wylie as all of us made our way down to the kitchen.

"Ready for some snacks?" asked Della, entering with a tray full of her homemade desserts.

"YES!" everyone practically screamed, for there was nothing like Della's baking. She's created special recipes that she refuses to share with anyone, which means that whenever the Vacker's have guests, Della knows that she's got some baking to do.

After everyone's stomachs were filled, everyone's parents came to pick them up and Della drove me home.

When I entered my house, I yelled, "Mom, Dad, I'm home." as I ran up the stairs to my room and started to prepare for the second day of my sophomore year.

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