~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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I saw the way he looked at Biana. He probably liked her, or one of the many other girls at our school.

"Alright, Sophie. Truth or dare?" said Biana, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, um, dare." I responded.

"Ooh. Foster's a daredevil." teased Keefe as I rolled my eyes.

"I dare you to let us go through your phone for two minutes." stated Biana. She sounded a little too excited for my liking, but this dare couldn't be too bad. Right?

As I entered the password into my iPhone, I handed it to Biana.

"Alright. Where should we start? How about messages?" said Biana as the rest of the group looked over her shoulder.

While they flipped through my phone, my mind wandered back to the conversation I had with Keefe. Every time I've talked to him, it seemed like he ended the conversation with an excuse. All of a sudden, a loud buzzer went off, making me jump.

"Awww. Our two minutes are up." whined Biana as I grabbed my phone from her.

"Well now it's my turn." I replied.

"Linh, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth." she responded.

"Do you sing in the shower?" I replied as she turned a bright red.

"Sometimes." she admitted as Tam snickered.

"Only sometimes?" added Tam.

"Fine. A lot." she said, turning an even deeper shade of red.

"Well, anyway TAM. Truth or dare?" she asked.

"Dare." he replied confidently.

"I dare you to hug Keefe for a whole minute." she responded with a smirk on her face.

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