- Chapter Sixteen -

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There was absolutely no way to convince me to let Bangs Boy hug me.

"Come one, Keefe." whined Sophie.

"It's only a minute." added Biana.

"YOU'RE SUPPORTING THIS?!?!" yelled Tam from the other side of the room.

"Duh. I'm your girlfriend. That means that I get to torture you more than anyone else." replied Biana, making Tam roll his eyes.

"If you don't do this, we'll shave your head." said Fitz, making me gasp.

"Fitzypoo, you wouldn't DARE!" I replied in an over dramatic tone.

"Oh, I would dare. Let me go get my razor right know." he responded, getting up.

"NO, NO, NO. Start the timer." I said, motioning for Tam to come over.

"Ready, set, GO!" yelled Linh as she started a timer on her iPhone. Tam and I looked at each other in digust before going in for a hug. We barely touched each other, but that didn't make the situation any less awkward.

"Done!" exclaimed Linh.

"THANK GOODNESS!!" yelled Tam, dashing to the other side of the room.

"Wylie, truth or dare?" asked Tam after catching his breath.

"Dare." he replied confidently.

"I dare you to talk in a Swedish accent for the rest of the game." Tam responded.

"Darenn acceptennd (Dare accepted)" Wylie replied. (A/N I used this Swedish accent generator, so I did not come up with the spelling.)

"Hey, guys." said Della, popping her head inside the living room.

"Your parents are here." she added, as everyone groaned.

As she chuckled she said, "Come, on. You've been here for two hours."

"Fine." everyone said as we all said bye to the Vackers.

"Oh, and Keefe, we'll drive you home." said Della to me. Of course. My parents never care about anything I do. 

After Della dropped me off at my house, I thanked her and walked inside. Once I entered my room, I turned on my phone and started to flip through my messages. Why couldn't I ask Sophie one question? I thought. I've talked to her several times, and I knew I liked her, so why was it so hard to tell her? As I threw myself on top of my bed, an image of Sophie laughing filled my head. Her eyes glittered with life and her smile beamed with happiness. If only I had the guts to tell her. I thought right before drifting off to sleep.

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