- Chapter Four -

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Does she hate me? I thought when I saw her annoyed expression as I slid into the seat next to her. Does she think I hate her? I thought. Now that I think about, it might seem like I tease her or even hate her. I wish I could tell her that I don't and that I've had a crush on her since the day I met her. To bad it's not that easy. She would reject me, and then everyone would make fun of me for getting rejected by the "nerd" of the school.

Some people consider Sophie a nerd because of her love for reading and her intelligence. If they got to know her though, they would see that she's much more than that. There's a side of her that's annoyingly stubborn, competitive, and hilarious. The best part of her is the way I can talk to her so easily. I don't get butterflies in my stomach or feel like I'm about to puke every time I'm around her. Instead, I feel like I never want this moment to end and that I just want to talk to her forever.

"Mr. Sencen, would you like to pay attention like the rest of the class or continue staring at Miss Foster?" asked the teacher, bringing me back to reality while the class snickered and Sophie ducked her head in an attempt to hide her flushed cheeks.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." I responded, trying to keep cool.

After the bell rang, I practically dashed out of the classroom to meet Fitz at the front of the school. Since that was the last period, I was free! 

"Yo, Fitzypoo!" I called to Fitz, earning an eye roll from the teal eyed boy.

"Yes, Lord Funkyhair." responded Fitz smugly.

"Woah, dude. Did you just insult The Hair?" I replied playfully, earning another eye roll.

As Della pulled up with the Vacker's SUV, Biana came running up to us.

"Tam, Linh, Sophie, and Dex are going to meet us at the house." she said, opening the door of the car and jumping in.

"How was your first day of school?" asked Della.

"Good." everyone responded in unison, not bothering to give any details.

"So, what are you planning to do?" I asked Fitz as the car started to move out of the parking lot.

"Ummmm, stuff. I mean, none of the teachers gave us any homework today, so fun stuff?" he replied uncertainly.

"Very specific." I responded sarcastically. (did anybody get the Dear Evan Hansen quote)

"Okay, we're home." said Della, parking the car in the driveway of the Vacker's mansion.

"When is everyone coming?" I asked, just as two cars pulled up. The first one containing the Song twins and Wylie, and the second containing Dex and Sophie. As each of them exited their cars, they gaped out the stunning architecture of the Vacker's mansion.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for. Let's go inside!" called Biana, entering her house with everyone following her inside.

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