~ Chapter Twenty-Three ~

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Dedicated to one of my closest irl friends [ phebosapollo ] , who kept nagging me for an update XD

"It's a dance, Sophie," Biana whined, attempting to pull me out of my chair and onto the dance floor.

"I did dance!" I protested, keeping myself firmly rooted in the chair.

"One song," Biana responded, "and you've been sitting at this table for the past thirty minutes!"

"But I like the table! And I haven't just been sitting here, I've been talking! And eating!"

"But it's a dance, not an eat!"

The rest of our friends were crowded on the opposite side of the circular table we staked out and were stifling their laughs as they watched our argument.

"Okay, how about just the last dance then?" suggested Biana, a small pout on her face.

"Fine," I sighed reluctantly as she jumped up and down with glee. I knew she just wanted me to have a great time, even if her definition of "fun" sounded like "torture" to me.

An upbeat song started to play, and Biana quickly dragged Tam out onto the dance floor. Wylie and Linh and Dex and Marella soon followed, leaving Fitz, Keefe, and me alone at the table. On the opposite end of the gym, there was a DJ booth, and multicolored lights danced all over the floor, illuminating the couples and groups of friends dancing along to the music. The tables were all structured on the opposite side of the gym as the DJ booth, and the snacks and drinks were laid out against the back wall. Shimmering gold streamers were hung up along the walls, and the tables were covered in royal blue tablecloths, with gold centerpieces in the middle to show our school colors, blue and gold.

As I got up to get a drink I heard Keefe and Fitz talking in hushed voices, which was obviously something private because Fitz was very very very red. When I came back to the table with a cup of punch I asked Keefe, "Where'd Fitz go?"

"Ah, you see Lord Hunkyhair, master of flirting, convinced Fitzy to ask his crush to dance" he replied with his signature smirk. I almost choked on my drink when he referred to himself as "Lord Hunkyhair, master of flirting".

"Well 'master', I don't see you flirting with anyone," I responded, catching him off guard.

"You do have a good point," he said, his cocky confidence returning "care to dance Foster?"


Huh, Biana was right, dancing is fun, I thought as I laughed at Keefe's horrible recreation of "The Robot". The dark gym was illuminated by the rainbow strobe lights shining over the dance floor, and the upbeat sounds of music and laughter filled the air.

"Glad you danced with me?" asked Keefe smugly.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure this beats sitting alone while all of your friends are having the time of their lives." I replied as he smiled, his bright blue eyes shining in the dim room.

"Are you?" he asked, grabbing my hand and spinning me around in a twirl.

"Am I what?" I responded as our eyes locked, a rare seriousness in his ice blue eyes.

"Time for the last dance of the night!" yelled the DJ as people whooped with joy and a slow song came on.

Our eyes were still locked as Keefe and I started to sway to the music, his arm wrapping around my waist and mine resting on his shoulders. "Having the time of your life," he replied quietly. Our faces were so close that I could feel his breath against my cheek.


Then our lips met.

I know it's a short chapter, but thank you for all the support on this story! I'm thinking of either having one more chapter from Keefe's POV and then an epilogue, or just the epilogue (please let me know which one you think I should do). Anyways, thank you again for all of the support and make sure to stay safe and healthy! :)

- harper

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