- Chapter Twenty-Two -

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Dedicated to Soph Chase [ lylacxox ] because she's an awesome friend and supporter. I hope that we can get closer, and that I can find time to read your stories! (I have so much reading to catch up on)

"Thanks for driving us dad," said Wylie as all of us climbed in Professor Tiergan's minivan.

"No problem. Just stay out of trouble for me, kay?" he replied, looking at Wylie with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, of course. It's a high school homecoming, nothing's going to happen to us," Wylie responded with a chuckle.

"Okay then, get in the car, you don't want to be late," Tiergan said, opening the door of the black Honda minivan. Fitz, Dex, and I squeezed into the third row, while Wylie and Tammy took the two seats in the back row, with Tiergan driving in the front.

"Thanks Mr. Tiergan for the ride," Fitz said, since he was supposed to be our ride to the dance, but Biana had convinced him to stay out of the house all day while the girls got ready and to let Della drive the girls to homecoming.

"Your welcome, it's fine that you're mom had to drive your sister instead," replied Tiergan with a smile, which Fitz returned with his usual charm that makes girls fall head over heels for him. Wonder if Foster likes him, I thought. She probably did. Why wouldn't she fall for his movie star charm and looks? I'm just a cocky idiot. Well, that's what I look like. The thing about Sophie is that she gets me like nobody else does. She's so easy to talk to, and her smile and laugh are contagious. She also doesn't put up a mask like other girls, to be honest, it's probably because her sleep deprived can't handle pretending to be another person, but I love how she embraces herself instead of trying to hide who she really is.

"So, looks like Tam's the only one of us with a date," Wylie pointed out, as all of us chuckled while Tam rolled his eyes.

"Well, we all know who you have your eyes on, Wylie," Fitz replied, a smug expression on his face as Wylie blushed.

"Don't worry, Wylie, we all know you like Linh-" I replied as Tam cut me off.

"WAIT YOU LIKE LINH AND NOBODY BOTHERED TO TELL ME?!?!?!" Tam shrieked, making all of us jump in our seats.

"Chill Bangs Boy, I mean, it was super obvious. And Linh obviously likes him too," I said with a casual shrug.

"SHE DOES?!?!" Wylie and Tam exclaimed in unison as Dex, Fitz, and I exchanged exasperated looks.

"Here we are!" said Tiergan, pulling up in the school parking lot. As we exited the car, I heard Tam hiss in Wylie's ear, "You better not hurt her."


"Where are they?" asked Dex as the five of us walked into the gym. Colorful lights lit up the walls and made the iridescent decorations shimmer. The music was pounding out of the speakers, and a bunch of people had already started dancing near the DJ's booth.

"I'll call Biana," said Tam, walking out of the gym to make his call.

"Sooooo, Fitzy, who's the lucky girl going to be?" I asked sidling up to Fitz.

"Keefe..." Fitz grumbled, giving me the signal that this conversation was over. Ha, like I was going to listen.

"Back me up, Dex," I hissed as I asked Fitz, "Is it Kaylen Evans from gym?" As I pointed to a blonde haired girl across the room.

"No, of course not," Fitz replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh right, because the only time you guys see each other is when you're sweaty. What about Aerin Lee?" I asked, pointing to the blue-eyed brunette who was chatting with her friends next to us.

"Shhh, she might hear us!" Fitz exclaimed, as Dex and I both shared a knowing look.

"Ah-ha! I knew it, I saw you staring at her during math. Probably explains why you failed the pop quiz later-" I said, before Fitz hissed, "Shut up."

"Oh, you also have chemistry with her right? That should make for some good pick up lines. Not that you would be able to say them the right way though-"

"How many times do I have to say 'shut up' before you actually do it?" asked Fitz, interrupting my very important statement about pick up lines. I put a fake pout on my face as Fitz laughed, than led Dex, Wylie, and I outside to where Tam had just finished his phone call with Biana.

"They just got here," Tam said, referring to Sophie, Linh, and Biana.

"Hi guys!" exclaimed a perky female voice that could only belong to Biana. I turned around to face her, and wow.

Sophie looked stunning in a red off-the-shoulder dress, and her golden hair fell across her shoulders in calm, natural waves, framing her face, which was covered in a minimal amount makeup. Though Biana probably would've strangled her if Sophie had refused to put on any makeup. I'm surprised that she convinced Biana to use neutral colors, and very little of it.

"Come on guys, let's go in!" said Biana, her arm already linked with Tam's as she began to drag him into the gymnasium. Maybe that'll be Sophie and me, I thought as I chuckled to myself. Yeah right, I would never have the confidence. Because no matter how hard I pretend to be Mr. Cocky, I can't erase the scars of my childhood.

btw, this is unedited, so there will probably be grammar mistakes. tysm to all of the people who liked this story enough to make it to this chapter, please continue to support my work!!

- harper

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