- Chapter Twenty -

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Dedicated to @Wolf_Jade999 . I know I've already dedicated a bunch of chapters to you, but you really deserve them all. Thanks for being a great friend and supporter, and I can't wait to read all of your hilarious comments!


I couldn't stop. I'd picked up the book, and all of a sudden, I couldn't put it down. There wan't anything that I'd consider exceptionally unique. It was the same predictable story line: girl falls in love with boy, boy falls in love with girl, they find out they like each other, YAY, THE END. Maybe it was because I was going through the same thing, except without the "girl likes boy" and "YAY" parts.

"Keefe! Come down for dinner." shouted my father in a stern voice.

"Yes, father." I mumbled, trudging down the annoying long spiral staircase that wound around, and around, and around, and around, and around.

As I sat down at the table, my mom passed me my plate of food before taking her own seat. The unsettling thing about having a huge dining table meant that silence felt like a heavy cloak draped over the three of us. My mom and dad sat on opposite ends of the long mahogany table, with me placed right in the middle. As we continued to eat, the only sounds that could be heard in the dim room was the clink of silverware against glass.

"I'm done." I said, as my dad raised an eyebrow at me.

"I mean, may I be excused?" I asked, saying the last part in an accent just for emphasis.

"Yes, you may." he replied, even though I was gone by "yes".

When I got back to my room, I went onto my phone and opened my conversation with Sophie. As I flopped back onto my bed, I scrolled through our few conversations, smiling at my idiocy.

Suddenly, I was snapped out of my daze by an oddly familiar voice.

"I THOUGHT YOU SAID THE WINDOW WAS OPEN!!!" yelled a voice that I could very clearly. Clearer than I should have.


"WELL I THOUGHT YOU'D LIKE THE CHANCE TO BE A GOOD FRIEND, BANGS BO-" exclaimed the first voice again. Just as he was about to finish his sentence, I opened my window and stuck my head out.

The first voice was Fitz, who was clinging to a branch of an oak tree that was right next to my window. The second voice was Tam, who was in a branch a little farther down the tree and looked like he was clinging onto the branch for dear life.

"Whatareyouguysdoinghere?" I asked, very puzzled by what was going on.

"IT WAS ALL VACKER'S STUPID IDEA!" yelled Tam as Fitz glared at him.

"Well, I guess the plan worked out anyway." said Dex from the safety of the ground.

"We came to visit you! Now, could you please let me come through the window instead of making me sit on a tree branch two stories off the ground." Fitz said, finally answering my question.

"Alright, let me open the front door. After that, you all have explaining to do." I replied, closing the window as Tam screamed, "SENCEN COME BACK RIGHT NOW AND OPEN THE WINDOW BEFORE I SMASH IT OPEN!!! I SWEAR, IF YOU MAKE ME CLIMB BACK DOWN THIS FREAKING TREE I'LL MURDER YOU-"

"LA-LA-LAAAAAAA! I can't hear you!" I yelled back as I locked the window and walked downstairs towards the front door. And as I unlocked the door, I felt a familiar smirk spread across my face.

I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating recently. First, I had writer's block and school just started for me, so I haven't been very active lately. Tysm for all my readers for getting this story to 6.7k reads!!! Just know that I won't be updating as often as I used to, because I'm going to have school and other activities. Thanks for understanding!


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