- Chapter Eighteen -

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After class I shoved everything in my backpack and caught up with Sophie on the way out. When I walked up to her I could tell that she expected me to say something, but I had no idea what to say so we just kind of awkwardly stared at each other. Why can't I think of anything to say!? I thought to myself, about to bang my head on the wall but then realizing that Sophie was standing directly in front of it.

"Er, did you bring the book?" I asked, probably sounding as idiotic as I looked.

"Um, about the book...are you sure you want that one?" she replied, a skeptical look on her face.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I responded, wondering why she was tentative to give it to me.

"Okay, but I don't think it's exactly your type..." she said as she handed me the book. As I looked at the title, I immediately understood what she meant. I was one of those cheesy romance novels that would make me gag as well as mentally scar me.

"Um, my sister wanted it." I said, immediately realizing that I don't have a sister.

"You have a sister?" Sophie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Er, yeah. An imaginary sister." I replied, wanting to face palm at this very second. What kind of excuse was that!?!? That was even worse than the butt dial excuse!!! I thought, trying to think of a way to fix the situation.

"Uh, well. I'll see you tomorrow." I quickly said to Sophie before dashing outside to meet the Vackers.

"What're you running from?" asked Fitz, both him and Biana staring at me.

"Or who." Biana added.

"Math." I replied, trying to sound confident as they both chuckled.

"Well, you won't be able to stay away from math for long. Did your teacher give you a truckload of homework?" responded Fitz.

"Ugh, yeah. Someday this backpack's going to tip me over and then I'll break my neck and sue the school for giving their students homework overload." I said jokingly as he laughed.

"You guys can chit chat in the car." yelled Della out of the car window as we started walking towards the car.

"So, Keefe. Got a date for homecoming yet?" asked Biana as I buckled my seat belt (safety first).

"No." I replied in a carefree tone.

"Well, who would you like to go with? Maybe I can do a little matchmaking to help you out." she responded, raising her eyebrows.

"Er, no thanks. I'm sure the Keefster could get a date if he wanted to." I said. 

"Well, Keefster, time for you to get out of the car." said Della, pulling up in front of my house. As I unlocked the door and walked inside, I thought about the comment I made earlier in the car about the "Keefster". To bad the only girl I'd want to go with isn't one of them. I thought dejectedly. I flopped onto my bed as I pulled out the book Sophie gave me. If only she liked me. I thought, opening the book and starting to read.

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