- Chapter Eight -

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Everyone was talking about the homecoming dance. Everyone. Whenever someone mentioned it, all I could think about was how the one person I wanted to go with would never agree to go with me. Sophie probably thought that I was some idiot who never took anything seriously. Yet, I couldn't get over my crush on her, the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled, the way her laugh was contagious, and the way that I never wanted to leave her side. Sure Sophie wasn't "popular", but who cares when she's got the brains and personality that she has. 

"Hey, Keefe. Did you see the homecoming flyers?" asked Fitz, walking up to my side.

"Yeah. It's pretty hard not to, they literally taped a flyer on every wall in the school." replied Keefe.

As the rest of the day went on, homecoming was the topic of the day. I'm pretty sure that everyone was assuming that I would bring a date since there were quite a few girls that obviously had a crush on me. But every time someone asked me who I was going with, I responded with a simple "I don't know." Even though I knew who I wanted to go with, and it wasn't any of the girls that not-so-subtly let me know that they were single throughout the day.

And seeing Tam and Biana together did not help. It was hard to look at the two of them and not wonder if Sophie and I could possibly have a relationship like that. One that was just so...normal. They walked hand in hand, leaned on each other, and gave each other small kisses like it was nothing. The thing is, I don't really know how to act around Sophie without revealing that I like her. Sometimes it may seem like I hate her, but teasing her is my way of covering up my crush. To bad I can't talk to anybody about it. I thought, knowing that I'd be the joke of the school. Well, enough pitying myself. I should probably get to the parking lot before Della gets here. I thought, not wanting to be late for my daily carpool ride home.

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