~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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Butt dialed? I thought. That sounded like an excuse. Actually, the last couple conversations I've had with him seemed to end with an excuse. It seemed like he wanted to ask me something then changed his mind at the last second. I wonder what he wanted to ask me. Could he have wanted to ask me to homecoming? I thought, immediately discarding the thought. He would never, ever like someone like me. I wish he did, but I knew better.

As I continued to think about my nonexistent love life, my phone started to ring. The screen showed that Biana was calling me. 

"Hi." I said, answering the phone.

"Hi Sophie. Would you like to come over to Everglen? The boys finished shopping and I figured we could all hang out together." she said.

"Sure." I replied before ending the call."

"Mom, Dad, can I go to Biana's?" I asked my parents.

"Sure. You can get in the car, I'll be there in a minute." responded my mom.

"Who's going to be there?" asked my dad, Grady, narrowing his eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Right Grady?" said my mom, Edaline.

"Yes, dear." replied my dad.

When I jumped out of our car at in the Vacker's driveway, Biana came rushing out of the house.

"Come on, Sophie. Everyone's already inside." said Biana, dragging me inside the house as I gave my mom a quick goodbye.

As I neared the living room of the house, I started to hear parts of the current conversation. Based on what I was hearing, everyone was trying to decide what game to play.

"Guys. Sophie's here now so we can start." announced Biana.

"We're going to play Truth or Dare." announced Keefe as Tam started to protest.

"How about you get to start?" suggested Keefe to Tam.

"Fine." huffed Tam, flicking his bangs.

"Alright, everyone. Into a circle." instructed Biana.

Once everyone was seated in a circle in the Vacker's living room, Tam eyed everyone in the room, searching for his victim. Finally, he decided who he was going to torture.

"Keefe. Truth or dare." said Tam confidently.

"Dare, duh." replied Keefe.

"Well, Sencen. I dare you to call the 7th contact in your phone and sing them 30 seconds of a song of my choice." announced Tam smugly.

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