~ Epilogue ~

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Dedicated to my fellow Star Wars and Avatar: The Last Airbender fan Grace [ grxceful-ly ] ! You're a super sweet person and have the talent of choosing the best profile pictures <3

I walked out of my last class of the day while chatting with Biana, students swarming the halls as winter break had just begun. "So, have you thought about going on the ski trip with us?" asked Biana. The Vackers were going on a trip to their ski house/chalet/thing over the break, and they had invited our friends to go with them.

"I don't know," I replied, "I kind of wanted to catch up on some things over the break."

"Come onnnn, Sophie," Biana whined, "Have some fun in your life!" she said jokingly as she elbowed my side.

"You know, Keefe's going to be there," added Biana, a smug look on her face.

"Do you have to act all smug like that? I've already let you say 'I told you so' when Keefe and I started dating!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, Sophie. I grew up around Keefe. Of course I have to rub in the fact that I'm right!"

"Hey guys," said Tam, walking beside Biana and taking her hand, just like those scenes in the teen romance novels. Just as I began to wonder where Keefe was, I felt someone wrap me in an embrace from behind, making me jump.

"KEEFE!" I squealed, shooting him a small glare.

"What?" he said, grinning as he let me go.

"You know I hate it when you scare me," I said.

"I know but you're just so cute when you're scared," he replied, making me roll my eyes.

He put his arm around my shoulder as we exited the school, and as I looked at him I thought, Our relationship might not be normal, but it's mine.

YAY I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!!!! i'm really not proud of this but i honestly just wanted to end this story since i'm not really into kotlc anymore. anyways, if you've actually read the whole thing, thank you so much for supporting me, i've really appreciated everyone who's read/voted/commented on this story.

also i was going to add another chapter from Keefe's POV, but i just didn't have the motivation or time, and i really just wanted to end this story and get it out of the way.

ps: phebosapollo how do you like clone wars? :)

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