~ Chapter Five ~

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As I followed Biana into the Vacker's house, I couldn't help but marvel at the intricate details that made their mansion so beautiful. 

"So, what do you guys want to do?" asked Biana.

"How about a truth circle?" suggested Fitz.

"What about girls and boys to it separately?" suggested Dex.

"You know, boy stuff stays with boys and girl stuff stays with girls." added Wylie.

As everyone nodded in agreement, Fitz took the boys into his room while Biana took Linh and I into her room.

"So, do you guys know how to do a truth circle?" Biana asked as she closed the bedroom door behind her. Her walls were a pastel rose gold color, and all of her furniture was a sleek white color which complimented her gold decor. 

"Uhh. Not really." responded Linh as we all plopped down onto white beanbags that sat on top of a pink rug in the middle of her room. As we all arranged the three beanbags into a circle, Biana started to explain the rules of a truth circle. Basically, we each take turns asking a question and everyone has to answer that question truthfully, or else they get kicked out of the game.

"I'll start. Who was your first crush?" said Biana.

"Umm. D-d-dex. I remember in elementary school he was always really sweet and would help me whenever I needed it." said Linh nervously.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwww. That's so cute!" said Biana and I, squealing.

"Okay, your turn Sophie." said Linh with flushed cheeks.

"Umm, well...Fitz?" I said nervously, aware that my face was tomato red.

"YOU HAD A CRUSH ON MY BROTHER!!!!!" shrieked Biana, squealing.

"Shhhhh!" I said, covering her mouth so that Fitz wouldn't hear.

"That was a long time ago." I said, which was true.

"Well, I guess it's my turn." said Biana.

"My first crush is, um, mean was Keefe." admitted Biana sheepishly.

"At first, I thought that he was a complete idiot, but as I got to know him better, I started to form a crush on him." she added.

Does she still have a crush on him? I thought, remembering the jealousy in her voice at the pool party.

"So, Linh you get to ask the question next-" said Biana, getting cut off by a loud bang coming from down the hallway. As Biana opened the door, the three of us peeked our heads out of the threshold to see Dex, Fitz, Wylie, and Keefe caught in the middle of dragging Tam down the hallway.

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