Chapter One

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The brothers fist bumped a few friends, said hello to a few acquaintances, had to stop some girls from climbing on them.

Ya know, the usual.

"O-oi ace..." sabo spotted someone he really wished wasn't here.

"What is it sa-..." ace looked where his brother was looking and immediately got furious, "why the fuck is she here of all people?! And in those clothes?!"

If Sabo had to describe his brother at the moment it would have to be the word 'fire'

Of course ace has always been a 'little' hot headed.

Without thinking ace walked over to the short female, "Luffy..." ace had a hint of anger in his voice.

"Eh? Oh heyo acey~!" The drunk female immediately clinged to her brother.

"Is this your boyfriend?" Law asked. He would never admit it himself, but he was a tad bit jealous that this was ace's girl.

"Boyfriend? Nope~ he's my brother~ I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend yet..." Luffy started to giggled.

Law let out a sigh of relief. This didn't go unnoticed by Sabo. Of course Sabo just arrived and doesn't know why this kid would be relieved.

"Oh god, she's a giggly drunk...." ace sighed.

"I was hoping we would never find out," sabo was mad at his little sister for drinking even though she knew better. He just wouldn't show his anger at all unless someone messes with his family.

And He would never yell at Luffy.

Especially not in front of all her classmates while she's drunk.

Ace on the other hand, doesn't give two shits, "Luffy, I swear to god-" Sabo stopped ace from yelling at the poor girl.

"Ace...I get that you're upset but at least wait until she's sober and let's not embarrass her in front of her new classmates. That would be cruel. You already have a few people looking at you.."

Ace turned and looked around. Sure enough, there were about five people looking. All of them in one group thankfully.

Ace sighed in defeat, "fine. I'll deal with this tomorrow but she's coming home right now!" Ace used an angry tone but didn't raise his voice.

"But I wanna get to know people..." Luffy forged tears.

Sabo couldn't say no to that face.

Scratch that. NOBODY could say no to that innocent face.

Sabo sighed, "lu, who did you come with?"

"Nami and vivi."

"Ok where are they?" Luffy pointed out an orange haired girl and a light blue haired girl.

'And here we were hoping these girls would make her girly enough to wear appropriate skirts and dresses. Instead, she got paired up with girls who party and drink...just our luck!" Sabo and ace thought.

Sabo helped Luffy over to the two girls, "excuse me? Could you please make sure our little sister doesn't touch any more alcohol? She's far to drunk at the moment."

"Oh my word! Of course! I was looking everywhere for her," vivi quickly got Luffy.

"And make sure she doesn't go near any boys." Ace had a very intimidating tone.

Vivi gulped hard, "y-yes..."

The two teens were satisfied with who they left their sister with and left the party themselves.

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