Chapter Eighteen

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Hello, I'm alive (not mentally tho) Apologies for the long wait on this chapter😅 anyways enjoy.

There they sat...Luffy in the middle, ace on her right, and sabo on her left. The brothers just heard the devastating news of their little sister has spoken. Sitting in silence, luffy wasn't sure about the situation and the two others were internally panicking. What felt like hours was only mere minutes when a loud gurgling noise came from the two raven-haired siblings; Sabo sighed "We'll talk about this AFTER we eat something" He said, "Wooohooo food!" luffy exclaimed excitedly, "I need to stress eat anyways" ace muttered.

Not wanting to cause a scene out in public the three ordered in...actually sabo ordered and the other two waited for the food. "Luffy, who exactly do you 'like'" sabo questioned while walking back to the sofa, they waited for her to answer, "Uhhhhhhmmmmm I don't know maybe kid, or zoro or torao. I still don't get the gist of feelings" She stated with a confused look on her face, "So you're not entirely sure who you have feelings for?!?" Ace said a little frantic Luffy nodded in response "Well luf, as much as me and ace are slightly terrified and worry, whoever you do like, We'll support because we love you"  Sabo looked at ace "Right ace?" He raised a brow at his brother "Right" he said in a non-enthusiastic voice "Anything for our little sister" he smiled and ruffled her hair. Then there was a knock at the door "Seems like the food is here" Sabo said, luffy and ace cheered.

~~Time skip to the day at school after the break~~

Luffy walked into her first-period class "Morning bon-chan!" she greeted her teacher happily "Goood morning straw-chan how was your break?" he/she asked "It was great, I went to the beach and had tons of fun and ate a lot too" she threw her hands up to add more excitement, the teacher smiled at the girl. After first period was over luffy left to her next class and so forth until sixth period, where she had Bonney and some other friends she made "Yo luffy what's up" the pink-haired girl greeted "Hey Bonney!" luffy greeted back happily everyone else greeted the girl with smiles. Since there was still five minutes or so before class started they started conversing until a certain question came up "So luffy, been meaning to ask" Bonney started "Do you like kid? you never did answer that question properly before" "Bonney are you sure she even knows what you're talking about? I mean not to be mean but she is kinda dense" drake whispered to her "Don't worry nami to-" before Bonney could finish luffy spoke, "I think so, I don't really understand the feeling all that well still," she said openly.

Bonney's eyes widened as well as her friends "Wait, you serious?" she asked the girl again to make sure she heard her right, "Well I said 'I think so' not a real answer but yeah" luffy smiled at her 'Well shit, wait till kid hears this' the pinkette thought to herself. The conversation was left at that since class began. After classes ended luffy was heading back to her dorm when someone grabbed her arm, the girl was ready to hit a whoever it was but soon realized it was a friendly face "Oh hey traffy!" she smiled brightly at the always tired looking male, "Sup luffy-ya, how was your break?" he asked lightly smiling at her "It was awesome, I went to the beach and had tons of fun, how about your's?" Law's smile faded slightly "It was alright, didn't do much but it wasn't terrible" he stated, he soon got an idea "Hey why don't we go get something to eat?" smirking putting his arm around her shoulder which she didn't seem to mind "Really?! Yooosh let's go get food!" she throws her arms up excitedly.

Law took luffy to a nearby cafe, however, he almost forgot how she eats so much. "luffy-ya, is there ever a time where you eat normally?" he jokingly said while looking at the black hole for a stomach girl across from him in the booth they sat at, Luffy swallowed her food "What do you mean 'eat normally' I am eating normally" she states. He chuckles at her adorableness and leans over next to her ear "Well according to others the way they see it as 'un-normal'" luffy giggles at how his breath tickles her ear after he leans away from her "I don't care that other people think about me in a bad way, they can deal with it or just leave" she said with a bit of a serious tone and expression, law has never seen this side of her before...He likes it, 'I want to make her mine so bad' he thinks "Nicely said luffy-ya." law's eyes wander around the room when he sees that a random guy is staring at luffy, not out of admiration but something more; his gaze meets law and law just send him a seriously terrifying death glare, causing the man to cower.

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