Chapter Six

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I'm so fucking sorry for the long ass wait

"GET YOUR FUCKING ASS BACK HERE, SLUT!!" A group of boys screamed while chasing Luffy throughout the school campus. The petite female hopped and leapt over tables, climbed bars, and skillfully dodged pedestrians. "What is she, a fucking monkey?" One of the guys questioned.

(One hour earlier)

"Oh god, school is hell!" Nami complained as her and Luffy walked out of one of the school buildings along with Vivi and Bonney in tow. "Food might make you feel better! Shishishi food is always a blessing!" Luffy smiled.
"Actually, I really want food also...Some pizza with extra meat toppings and pie and meat would be great!" Bonney exclaimed. Vivi took a step away from the pair, "Is food all that you guys think about...?"

"I could go for some grub also, but I refuse to pay!" Nami decreed. "Well, I ain't gonna pay for you, tangerine," Bonney challenged. Nami looked at the other two. Vivi sighed, "My dad hasn't sent my money yet, so I have enough for a burger at McDonalds." Everyone's gaze shifted to Luffy. "I'm broke." Was all the female said. Nami thought for a second, "Y'know...I was the best thief in my village. We could always steal something from those guys over there." Nami pointed at a group of obviously athletic males. "I don't know Nami..." Vivi started to say. "Oh come on Princess, live a little," Bonney mocked the blue haired female.

Vivi bit her nail, "I guess..." Bonney slapped Vivi on the back, "That's more like it, sister!" Vivi blushed bright red, "N-Never call me that again!" Bonney shrugged, "Whatever floats your boat, Princess." "That's not much better!" Vivi whined.

"Oh my god! Shut up! Are we gonna do this or what?!" Nami finally yelled. "Yeah yeah fine...where's Luffy?" The three females started to look around, panicked.

"I'm right here!" Nami nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Luffy's voice behind her, "Luffy! Don't scare us like that!" Luffy took a bite of her burger, "Okay..." Luffy said, coming out more like 'offay.' "Wait you actually got food from them?!" Bonney yelled. Luffy nodded, "Yeah I just kinda reached over and grabbed it quickly. They still haven't noticed."

"Aw yeah! Retarded jocks are the easiest to fool!" Bonney yelled. "U-um you shouldn't use that word, Bonney. It's offensive to the disabled..." Vivi said. Bonney scoffed, "Ill say whatever the fuck I want, Nig-" "Please don't say that word!" Vivi interrupted. Bonney was taken back a bit by Vivi's outburst. "That's the one word I rrreeaalllyyy don't like..." Bonney nodded, "Alright, Alright...I won't say it for you, babygirl."

And so Nami and Bonney successfully snatched their food. Now, it was Vivi's turn.

"Don't screw up, Princess!" Bonney whisper-yelled from behind their hiding place. "I'm already nervous as it is! Don't pressure me more!" Vivi snuck over towards the table, lowering herself down to an army crawl, and swiftly going under the table next to the Jock's.

Vivi waited till what she thought was the perfect moment to reach to over and snatch some fries while the boys were looking at vulgar images of woman.


One of the boys who wasn't paying attention to the phone saw something grab one of the fries from the corner of his eye, "What the fuck was that?!" The rest looked up, "What?"

"Someone just ran up and took Jerry's fries!" The kid yelled. "Who?!"
"Dunno...I didn't get a look at her. But it was a girl, and she ran that way!"

"Wow, good job princess. Now we're probably gonna get murdered," Bonney thanked Vivi sarcastically. Vivi, who was already in tears, apologized, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't m-mean to get caught! P-Plus you and Luffy are good fighters!"

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