Chapter Seventeen

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SURPRISE SURPRISE WE ARE GETTING CLOSE TO THE ENDING OF THIS BOOK! I'm happy and sad at the same time but I do hope I did well on this little adventure of college/one piece romance after adopting it from the previous author. Thank you to everyone who read my chapters, I appreciate it. Anyhoo let's get on with this one, shall we? Enjoy:)

It's the third day into spring break and everyone is at the beach having a blast. Sandcastles being built, volleyball wars breaking out, fights amongst a certain green haired and swirly brow males, Luffy being fought over without her realizing it yet, the short girl inhaling every edible item she sees, kid and killer slowly getting somewhat along with everyone. Overall just some pretty good times.

It was midday around early noon. Nami, vivi are on the porch sitting in lounge chairs relaxing out of the sun for a little bit. "Hey, nami" vivi looked in her direction, 'hmmm' she responded with "Do you think we should give luffy, I don't know...Another talk about guys and feelings?" the orange haired girl just smirked and sighed "We could try but I doubt she would understand more than what we've said before, however, I do see some hope in her at least from last time."  vivi nodded in agreement. They discussed how and when it would happen, hopefully soon. Meanwhile usopp and killer were helping franky take down the volleyball net since they would be leaving tomorrow morning, Sanji, zoro, kid, and luffy were inside. The blonde male was cooking up some lunch for everyone.

"Saaannjiiiii im hunggryyy" said luffy who was sitting slouched on a chair with her head on the table "Be patient luffy~chwan" he smiled and looked at her, however, she gave him the pouty face which sent him into overdrive. He had heart eyes, nose bleed, and even his little noodle dance all going on at once "UUWWAAHHHH Luffy~chwwwaaan you're just too cute! here have some snacks while I finish up" He handed her a small plate with a variety of fruits and some meat, she smiled "Thanks Sanji" a happy luffy said. Zoro and kid were watching T.v in a more tense and awkward atmosphere, "Tch...shitty perverted cook" was all zoro mumbled and not two seconds later a spoon came flying at him and hit the side of his head "I heard that moss head!" Kid snickered at what just happened "Man y'all are like water and oil, definitely don't mix or get along" kid remarked, that just earned the redhead a glare causing the tension to increase. But soon a ball of absolute joy entered the room "Hey guys what are you watching" she skipped and plopped herself between kid and zoro on the couch; the two just froze for a minute contemplating what had happened "You guys okay? You don't look so well" the semi-clueless luffy started looking back and forth between the two, they suddenly snapped out of it when luffy layed her head on kids lap and propped her feet up on Zoro's one spoke for a brief moment...."Luffy what are you doing?" kid asked looking at her "Uhhhh laying down?"

"Riiight.." was all kid responded with "Luffy get your feet off of me" was what zoro said 'Damn why couldn't she have put her head on my lap' was what he was thinking "Shishishishi nope! Im comfortable like this, now find something interesting to watch Im bored" Moments passed minutes which seemed like hours, the three were currently watching the new season of 'Stranger Things' neither of the two boys were paying attention because they didn't know what to do about the sleeping, snoring girl that layed across them. Sanji was going to get the others from outside to bring them in for lunch but was mortified by the sight he saw in the living room. "My luffy~chwan?! What is she doing laying across those two like that?!" he said to himself, loud enough for the red-haired and green haired men to hear "Shut it cook, she's sleeping and, I didn't ask for this" "Yeah she just layed down on her own accord" kid sided with zoro.

As they were arguing nami and vivi walked in on the scene, "Ooooh what's this, little miss luffy, laying on the two guys who are crushing on her" she smiled mischievously "Awwww that's so cute" Vivi cooed. Zoro and kid were blushing hard at this point "S-st-stupid woman shut up" was all zoro could mutter kid just stayed quiet not knowing at all what to say. As if things couldn't get worse franky, usopp, and killer walked in "Hey what are y'all standing around for?" usopp questioned, the other two were just as curious, but nami turned around and grinned then made an 'shhh' sound and proceeded to move out of the way for them to see. At the sight franky chuckled at how cute the girl looked, usopp made an 'Oh' remark but killer, oh boy, he saw this as an opportunity. He made his way around to the front of the couch, taking out his phone, kid saw this..."Killer I swear if you fucking dare do that, I will kill you" kid glared at him, face red from embarrassment "No you won't, you'll just break my phone" killer chuckled. Nami had the same Idea and did the exact same thing except, her flash was on causing the sleeping luffy to stir "Mmmnggghh...meat..." she said sleeping "Luuuffyyy lunch is ready" nami said in a sing-song voice. The raven-haired girl shot up like a rocket hitting her head against the bottom of kid's chin (Ouch, that gotta hurt) and kicking her feet up which almost hit zoro. "Lunch! Meat! Where?!" she looked around confused and wide awake, everyone except the two just laughed "Huh?  What's so funny?" "Nothing luffy~chwan, lunch is ready, let's eat," Sanji said smiling.

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