Chapter twenty-one

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This is it my friends. The last chapter of this fun adventure. I will be adding alternate endings soon after this though. Thank you to those who read and enjoyed my chapters from where The_Writing_Boi had left off and I continued, Im sad but happy about this ending since I really put my best into it. Anyways with that said, I hope you enjoy❤

Nami, vivi, usopp, sanji, and zoro all left first saying their goodbyes and thanks to franky. Ace and Sabo pulled luffy outside before they left, "Luffy." they said at the same time but then sabo went first "Do you really like kid?" A small pause came and then she spoke "Yes, he makes me happy like how meat makes me happy" she said smiling, the two brothers facepalmed but understood what their little sister meant. Ace sighed and turned away because he as literally about to cry "I guess we couldn't protect our little sister forever, Aye sabo?" the blonde turned to his brother who was currently crying, Sabo's eyes were watery as well "I guess so ace" they turned to luffy who was confused "Why are you guys crying! What's wrong?!" Luffy said worried "It's nothing luffy, really" Ace said "Yeah we're just so taken back at how fast you're growing up" Sabo added.

They tightly hugged their dear sister and told her to wait outside for a minute while they went back in. "Oh, I thought you too left already?" Franky asked, "No, not yet," Sabo said, "We need to have a talk with a certain someone here" Ace exclaimed both eyeing kid. Kid glared at them "What you got a problem with me?" he asked "Yes and no but that doesn't matter right now. It's about luffy." Sabo stated with a stern voice, Sabo stayed standing while ace pulled up a chair turned it around sitting on it backward, "We wanna know how you feel about our little sis Eustass kid." Ace said with the same tone of voice but a little more aggression, kid hesitated and they kept glaring at each other; After a good minute of glaring kid sighed and closed his eyes "I like her okay, I'll admit it, I love her. She's changed me so much and is just amazing. I know what you're gonna ask and no I have no bad intentions, the only intention I have is to ask her to be my girlfriend. I swear on my life I wouldn't do anything to hurt her and if I ever do then, by all means, beat me to a pulp." he finally said it "And if you plan on stopping me then good luck."

Sabo and ace looked at each other then back at kid "We won't try and stop you. Both of us agreed to support luffy with whoever she likes, she may be our little sister but we can't baby her forever. I can tell you're being honest, and unfortunately for us to say...You have our approvement of dating our little sister. Right ace?" Sabo looks at the ravenette who sat there asleep...apparently while the blonde was talking, his narcolepsy joined the party. Sabo got a little annoyed and smacked ace upside the head "OW!! What the hell man?!" ace exclaimed loudly waking up "You idiot did you even hear a word I said?" Sabo gave him a short glare, "Pfft, of course, I did" ace said, "Oh really then what did I just tell kid?" Ace rubbed the back of his neck "Uuhhhhmmmm..." was all he could mutter out. Sabo sighed "I told him he has our approval to date luffy." Ace went wide-eyed and grabbed sabo by the color "WHAT!!!" he yelled "Ace we agreed to support luffy, and he has no bad intentions and will protect her, I don't like it as much as you do but luffy IS growing up, SO WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT! NOW LET GO OF ME, YOU DAMN HOTHEAD!" sabo yelled.

Ace let go and glared at kid, then walked up to him grabbing him by his color and pulling close. "If you as so much as make luffy cry, break her heart, do something to her she doesn't want to do and most of all...Break a promise you made to her, your sorry ass can say goodbye to her and we will hunt you down and make you disappear." Ace said in a low growling, menacing whisper. Ace backed off and turned to sabo "Hey sabo, would you like to inform kid here as to why he should never break a promise he makes to luffy." The blonde smirked "Gladly." And stepped closer to kid "You see kid, luffy takes promises seriously, If you break even a single one, she will not talk to you ever for the longest time. Of course, she'll possibly forgive you eventually but if you do it a second time then you can say goodbye to her. We aren't joking about this at all." Ace butted it "Do you understand that Eustass kid?" Kid huffed out "Yeah I understand," he said in a monotone voice "We're done here then. Ace let's go" The two brothers got up and left saying bye to franky and then luffy who was still outside waiting "You can go back in lu, we'll see ya later," ace said to her. The two of them hugged her and kissed her on the forehead "Bye onii-chan's!" luffy said smiling and waving goodbye. Just then kid, killer, wire, and heat walked out, "We'll go take the car to the garage kid" Killer said "Heat go and get your truck so you can take them back to the dorms," Kid said "Sure thing" heat replied. "I'll walk you back luffy" Kid turned to the girl "Alright, bye guys!" she smiled waving at the others.

As they were walking kid grabbed luffy's hand and was holding. Luffy didn't mind, it made her happy. "Hey luffy can I ask you somethin?" kid said breaking the silence "Sure, what is it?" luffy asked, kid stopped walking and so did luffy, he took a deep breath "Luffy do you like me?" kid asked. The girl just looked at him, kid was about to say to just forget about but then luffy spoke up, "Yes" was what she said. The redhead looked at her a little surprised "Yes, I really do like you kid. At first, I didn't know but then nami and vivi explained to me that how I feel about meat is the same way I feel about you. You make me happy and warm just like meat does, I love just like how I love meat." She smiled widely at him. Kid had to process what she was saying 'Meat out of everything to use as an example' he thought but then chuckled at how cute it seemed "Heyyyy why are you laughing?" luffy said crossing her arms and pouting "I just find it cute how you used meat as a way to express how you feel" he said smirking at her "Well it was only thing that made sense" she stated. Kid looked down at her "Can I ask you one more question?" luffy nodded.

Kid put one hand on her waist and pulled luffy close and the other hand was gently placed on her cheek (the face cheek not the other one) "Monkey D. Luffia, will you be my girlfriend?" Luffy stared at him in glee when she smiled the most bright smile she has ever made "YES!" was all she said before kid leaned in and kissed luffy, luffy thankfully got tips from nami and was able to kiss back. When they pulled away kid hugged her tightly "Im so glad you said yes."

Luffy, for the first time in years, got her first boyfriend and had her first kiss. She was happy and so was he. But luffy couldn't wait to tell everyone.


~~Back at the dorm with ace and sabo~~

"Ace, what are we gonna tell gramps?" Sabo asked ace who was sitting on the small couch in there dorm room. "Well sabo my brother, I don't know either. But we could just not tell him, right?" ace said, "Yeah maybe that's a good idea. If he found out, kid would really disappear." sabo stated. After a moment of silence, they broke out in laughter.

And that everyone, is chapter 21 of Grandline high's demons. I hope you enjoyed this story and to everyone else in the future who reads it. Thank you again to those who read these, it made me so happy that people like them. Until next time;) (as in until the alternate endings lol)

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