4th of July (kind of)

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Yes, yes I know this a day late but happy late fourth of July, I would've done this yesterday but hey can't miss out on family and good bbq. So here's a special with all three boys. Enjoy:)

It was Thursday, everyone was excited about the firework's show happening tonight. It was lunchtime at school.  Luffy and the others were carrying their day on as usual, except nami scheming a small plan; she whispers to zoro "Hey zoro, you should really take luffy to go see the fireworks. You know in a secluded area away from other people." She smiled devilishly. Zoro had felt his face heating up, "Shut up" he glared at nami but he did think about it. "Hey do you guys want to get together and go to the firework festival tonight," Vivi asked the group, luffy's eyes lit up with excitement and beamed with happiness "YEAH LET'S ALL GO!" she said loudly gaining the attention of other people.

~~Smol Time skip~~

The girls were at their dorms getting ready, luffy was 'forced' into wearing a red yukata that had blue floral circular designs, with a black trimming and a yellow belt thingy that wrapped around her waist. The only thing she actually liked about it was the color and the dragon designed that snaked around the belt (Idk what I'm doing also im gonna go off the wano arc outfits for the rest but only changed luffy's so it would be a little more 'girly') but the girl was happy about the festival. "Wow luffy you look so adorable" nami squealed "She's right lu, you look so cute in that" vivi gave a smile to luffy who returned it "Thanks guys, you both look good too." Nami wore a rather revealing one, it was a short blue yukata with little clouds like pattern an orange belt thingy and a small blue ribbon wrapped around it and vivi wore a simple pink one with swirly designs at the bottom with golden trim and belt

It was around five o'clock when they got finished with getting ready, little did they know two people would show up at their door. Vivi heard a knock on the door, "Coming!" she said loudly, she walked over and opened the door, revealing two (hot as hell) handsome looking guys "Oh sabo-kun, ace-kun what a nice surprise seeing you two here" She smiled at them; they both greeted her and the blond spoke "Hello vivi, we were wondering if luffy is here?" Sabo and ace were also dressed up in yukata's, ace wore a red and yellow one while Sabo wore a blue one "Yes she is, just minute. Why don't y'all come in a have a seat" she let the two in and they sat on the couch while she went to go get luffy who was with nami. "Hey luffy, your brothers are here" She poked her head into the room, luffy looked back "Really?!" before vivi could reply the girl took off, "Ace, Sabo!" She ran and jumped on the two, "Hey luffy how're you doing" ace asked smiling, they all stood up and a layer of blush covered their faces as to how adorable luffy looked in her outfit, they couldn't help but hug her tightly "Oh my gosh why do you have to be so cute luffy" ace said in a slight high voice "Guys, I can't breathe" luffy was smacking their arms until they finally let go, "They really do have a sister complex" Nami whispered to vivi, she giggled "But it's kinda cute you gotta admit" they both started giggling. 

Sabo and ace exchanged looks "Hey lu we wanted to ask..." sabo started "If you wanna come to the festival with us" ace finished his brothers' sentence, luffy smiled but it soon faded away "But I was gonna go with nami, vivi and the others" It was the worst when luffy had to decide between her friends and brothers, she gave a small sad pout. Sabo sighed and patted her head "Well we could always tag along with you and your friends" he smiled at her and looked at the two girls "Yeah lu what sabo said" ace retorted smiling at his sister, "You two wouldn't mind right?" ace asked looking at nami and vivi, "Not all, whatever makes lu happy" Vivi commented. Luffy mood switched completely as she smiled big and hugged her brothers "Yaaaay!!" she exclaimed. "Well, we better start heading out and meet up with everyone."

~~Smol time skip to the festival~~

Luffy was walking between Ace and Sabo while holding their hands, and nami and vivi were in front of them. She couldn't be happier, the girl was with her two awesome brothers and wonderful friends. Sabo and ace also had smiles on their faces, "Say luffy once we get there you wanna hit all the food stands" ace said with stars in his eyes "Oh you bet!" luffy smiled and drooled at the thought of all the good food sabo just chuckled "I swear you two are gonna clean out every food stall by tonight and I'm gonna end up broke into next week" he sighed at the last thought "Oh come one sabo don't be like that" ace cooed and teased him. They all started laughing, "Hey guys we're almost to the festival and I can see everyone there at the entrance" Nami turned and told them. Once they got there everyone greeted each other, Sanji swooning at how beautiful all the girls looked, usopp catching up with ace and sabo while luffy let go of there hands and ace was sad..well more liked depressed about it. "Hey zoro!" luffy walked to him, "Sup lu, you look good" he gave her a small smile "Shishishi you do too" Zoro blushed, he was wearing a white yukata with black trimming and swirly designs at the bottom where it faded to a light green and had a purple belt around his waist and also wore a darker green robe thing with designs on it (Just look at the picture im so bad at description)

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