Chapter Five

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I don't own one piece, echirro oda does. I only own this story. If I owned one piece, I would make the entire show yaoi. Luffy x law. Zoro x sanji. Robin x Nami (what? Yuri is good to)

"Huh?" Sabo yawned as his eyes adjusted to his phones screen.



"AAACCCEEE!!!!!" Sabo screamed, waking up the two raven haired siblings. "What?! What happened?!" Ace immediately questioned the blond haired boy.

"It's eight o clock!" Sabo screamed "ok. We're a little bit late. It's fine Sabo. We can say...we had a dentist appointment!" Ace encouraged lying. "No ace! We're not 'a little' late. WE MISSED THE ENTIRE DAY!!!" Sabo started to hyperventilate. You see, Sabo does not simply miss school.

"Shishishi we slept the entire day away! That's so unproducted!" Luffy laughed. "I think you mean, 'unpredicted' Luffy..." ace tried to correct his sister. "I'm not stupid ace! Unpredicted is doing something you didn't expect to do. Unproducted is not doing anything and wasting the day!" Ace face-palmed, "its pronounced, 'unproductive,' Luffy..." "oh..."

"How are you guys not freaking out that we missed the entire freaking day of school?!?!" Sabo yelled at his two siblings. "Why are YOU freaking out that we missed the entire day of school?" Ace countered. "Because every year I get perfect attendance! Colleges like the stuff!" Ace laughed, "You pussy!"

"Oh shit!" Luffy yelled, causing Sabo to not punch his brother in the face. Instead, he smacked Luffy over the head, "Language!" Luffy ignored Sabo and quickly taking food from the fridge and putting her shoes on. "Where are you going Luffy?" Ace asked, seeing as Luffy was in a hurry. "My friends called me a million times and think I got kidnapped or killed!" And with that, the ravenette was gone.

Running through the streets of the campus, Luffy had a piece of bread hanging from her mouth. Females were giving disgusted looks and males thought she looked cute.

The short female suddenly ran into someone, "oof! I'm sorry!" Luffy tried to apologize and run again but the persons hands grabbed her wrist.

Luffy's head snapped up to look at the persons face, "oh! Hey traffy! Shishishi sorry!" Law sighed, "You should really pay attention to your surroundings. If I was a bad person, I might've hurt you for that."

Luffy looked at law in confusion, "But you're not a bad person." Law sighed, "That's not what I meant. I'm saying what if. Like, what if I decided to harm you for running into me." Luffy shook her head, "You're not a bad person and you wouldn't hurt me. Would you traffy?"

Law sighed again, "No, I wouldn't...." Luffy smiled, "Exactly! So I don't have to worry about that! Now let's go get food! You're paying!" Law sighed, "You're way to trusting Luffy-ya..."
Luffy arrived at her dorm a few hours later. If looks could kill, Luffy would've been dead from the glares her dorm mates were giving her. "Where the hell were you?! We haven't seen you for over twenty four hours! What if you got kidnapped?! Or killed?! Or tortured?! Why didn't you answer your phone?! Why weren't you in class?!" Nami immediately bombard Luffy with questions. Luffy scratched the back of her head, "Sorry. I was with my brothers yesterday and we fell asleep and slept till eight at night tonight. Then I made traffy buy me food!"

Vivi, being the more calm and rational one, sat Luffy down, "Please tell us next time. We were really worried about you!" Luffy nodded, "Ok I will!" "Good."

"Oh yeah! Luffy! Zoro dropped this off for you," Nami handed Luffy a motorcycle helmet with a painting of a skull wearing a straw hat. There was a sticky note attached.

"Hey, Luffy. Here's your own helmet if you ever wanna ride my motorcycle with me again. Like, just for a joyride or going someplace y'know. I remembered you saying something about a straw hat and I know your not really girly so I asked usopp to paint a skull wearing a straw hat on here.
Well...uh....I guess I'll talk to you later?

Luffy smiled at the note, 'Shishishi my friends are so nice to me!'

Nami looked at vivi, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Vivi shook her head, "No, No way! She's to dense to realize the marimo has a crush on her!" Nami thought for a second, "True....I'm pretty sure other people have a crush on her to, we just haven't meet them yet."





Somewhere on campus, a green haired teen sneezed, "Oof! Someone must be talking about me..."

End of chapter!


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